Tuesday, December 25, 2007


A must-buy for all Jeong Hoon fans - his first complete Japanese album! Includes his rendition of the famous Korean song "Parrot" from Goong.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

sodagreen's nice new songs

Just gotten sodagreen's album from HMV for 29.95! But it's worth it, cos it's so good.... and also, it was very cool that all 10 tracks seemed to be linked together, as there are no breaks between them. The transition / links were made very smooth by the ending and beginning instruments such as guitar linking 四季狂想 (track 3) & 左边(track 4) and the piano linking 左边 and 无与伦比的美丽 (track 5). They must have taken great pains to do such linking up of songs! This 3rd album has a lot more strings, and sounds much more grander than their previous albums.

苏打绿 - 左边

蘇打綠 這天MV

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Prince charming!

Ahhh... this weekend was the best in 2007! Finally got to see my prince up close and personal. He's so good-looking, and kept smiling! so cute... heeheehee...the crowd was quite calm, maybe cos everyone too stunned by his charm. heeh...

photos and videos taken by me and my sister at Jeong Hoon's fan meeting at KTO!

BubbleShare: Share photos - Cheap Hotels Vegas

other videos by other fans.

arrival in Singapore

guest appearance at Star Awards

leaving Singapore

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

random stuff

Quite a nice new song from David Tao. Quite like the guitar arrangements.


Hmm... when can I be Free? haha... left 1 more paper, which is CMI one... don't know what is going on... hope i can get S and not U man..

Recently quite addicted to Facebook. Now I know y it's so popular. Cos it's quite fun heee...lots of applications and variety.

And pics of my lazy dogs..

Monday, November 12, 2007

苏打绿 - 无与伦比的美丽

天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
我若擔心我不能飛 我有你的草原

嘿 嘿 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
嘿 嘿 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗

天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
你若擔心你不能飛 你有我的蝴蝶

嘿 嘿 你知道當你需要個夏天我會拼了命努力
嘿 嘿 我知道你會做我的掩護 當我是個逃兵

Simple lyrics, simple song (maybe not) but oh so nice....

p.s. my mum still can't believe he's a guy haha...

Friday, November 09, 2007

阿妹 - 我的天后!


阿妹的演唱会超 high 的!五年没见,她的舞台魅力还是依然那么精彩,声音还是 那么的有爆发力!她真的是一个diva!!!

我隐约记得小六的时候就开始看演唱会,(对,我真的很幸运,年纪这么小就有机会看演唱会 - 而且都是姐姐赞助的喔!)第一场印象中应该是阿妹在新加坡的第一场演唱会。从那次以后,我就认定阿妹是我的偶像,我的最佳演绎具舞台魅力女歌手!从此,她在新加坡的每一场演唱会我都有去。(加上昨晚的,应该是有4场了吧!)还记得有一年是在国家体育场,从来没有亚洲艺人在新加坡体育场办过演唱会!虽然那次她好像蚂蚁一样小(因为坐很远!),但是我还是超享受的!



演唱会从8.20持续到将近凌晨12! 演唱会开始前,我跟大姐还在排队上厕所,后来听到大家的欢呼声,没想到演唱会这么早就要开始了!真的蛮好笑的,在排队的女生有些干脆不上厕所就跑回去了。。。


她的头发剪到好短喔,但很好看!而且她一直拨弄头发,真好笑!可能不习惯吧。。。他的服装呢, 就每一件都是闪闪的,我都觉得很好看!那件红色星星的最特别!


她演唱了很多经典歌曲,而且几乎每首歌都是大合唱,因为全场的观众都一起唱得很大声!记得,听海,原来你什么都不要,我恨我爱你,剪爱,真实,我要快乐,别在伤口洒盐,让每个人都心碎,蓝天,A级娱乐,了不起,high high high,发烧,火,bad boy,不顾一切,are you ready,牵手等等....新歌包括维多利亚的秘密,你爱我的,夏天的浪花,也当然少不了如果你也听说。我觉得这首歌她唱得最有感觉。。。本来我不喜欢“夏天的浪花”,因为觉得很台,但在演唱会上一起唱真的很好玩,尤其是副歌的部分,哈哈。。。

其中有一段是怀念张雨声的,她唱了“最爱的人上我最深”的另一个版本,还有对唱的版本,最后一句还和雨生合唱。。。她还清唱了“天天想你”。最喜欢的还是“后知后觉”, 超感人的!真让我听出耳油!可惜她没唱“没有烟抽的日子”。。。

最后一段,她只穿了黑t-shirt 配牛仔裤,现场秀了秀她的吉他功力,自弹自唱了“爱是唯一”和解脱。

encore的时候就唱了姐妹,三天三夜,给我感觉,我要飞。她还故意让每个音乐家唱一句“姐妹”,超好笑的!他们都超棒的,记得有一段Jamie Wilson 还躺在地上猛烈的刷电吉他!说到音乐家,大多数都是来自新加坡喔,好骄傲哦!吴庆龙又出现了,而且是音乐总监吧。。。太厉害了。。。阿妹就是特地要整他的,让他开金口唱一句。。。

好了,不写了,二姐在取笑我,说我很会编故事。这不是故事好不好,是我的真正感想。。。 哈哈哈。。。


photos taken by my sisters@! haha.... quite good ah!

and some videos taken.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Happy Deepavali! 等了好久的公共假期!

Presentation down, last dispensing practical down, still got 2CAs next week.. but don't care first....now looking forward to A-mei's concert!

And just received Jay's album. After resisting all those online listens, downloads etc... just prefer to listen ti the real thing haha.... however, no feeling at all, after the 1st "scan-through". Now giving it a 2nd listen.

I'm not happy with the recycling of the OST songs... although they are nice, but it just shows his insincerity.

Shall give a review soon...

Meanwhile, go view live performance of sodagreen's new song! Very clean-cut - just vocals with piano!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

nice songs!

Today, these 2 songs kept playing in my head.

梁静茹 - 崇拜

作词:陈没 作曲:彭学斌 编曲:陈建骐

你的姿态 你的青睐 我存在在你的存在
你以为爱 就是被爱 你挥霍了我的崇拜

我活了 我爱了 我都不管了 心爱到疯了恨到酸了就好了
可能的 可以的 真的可惜了 幸福好不容易的怎么你却不敢了呢

我还以为我们能 不同于与别人
我还以为不可能的 不会不可能

风筝有风 海豚有海 我存在在我的存在
所以明白 所以离开 所以不再为爱而爱
自己存在 在你之外

I think the lyrics dam nice... and sad, but the last stanza gives the person strength.

潘嘉丽 - 完美的默契

Quite like the melody, especially the 编曲...

and this song caught my attention, cause I'm a 左撇子! haha... Interesting lyrics by 小寒 though! And this song seems to have a strong local flavour... Indeed! Composed by Tanya! ahaha...

作詞:小寒 作曲:蔡健雅 編曲/製作:Tlm Productions

寫給你 我自己 我用我左手潦草字跡 擁抱你
想和你 在一起 冷冰冰地思考邏輯 是多餘

#感情的左撇子 愛你的我不理智
左邊的無名指 我渴望是 你最後 決定隱居的地址
左偏的心從此將我管制 不曾停止

找給你 我自己 我用不假思索的語氣 形容你
想要你 想要你溫習 兩個人最赤裸的情緒 別忘記

Friday, November 02, 2007


I usually don't like to complain, especially on this blog, since I try to use this blog to share what I like, what I'm happy about etc... but everytime I look at my new thumbdrive, I jsut had to think of it again...

I've seen one of human's ugly side on Wed. And it had to be from university students. I can't believe Uni students would still be so dishonest, after all the education they have been put through.

I left my thumbdrive in Central library after working on some stuff. And I lost it forever. Went back on Wed night to look for it, went to Lost and Found display cabinet but still no sign of my thumbdrive. Wasted time, money and sweat. I was utterly disappointed and angry at the same time.

NVm abt the thumbdrive. But the data inside. It was full of schoolwork, data and especially FYP data. The person who didn't hand it over to librarians or lost and found counter and decide to use the thumbdrive as his/her own, YOU ARE INHUMAN! what if the original owner didn't had a backup??? then all hard work gone?? sickening man.... why can't just pass over to lost and found counter.... u want thumbdrive, go get your own la! shit man...

OK i promised myself to get over it.. luckily i had backup. if not i sure cry until faint.... better backup in more places - CDRom, hard disk, thumbdrive, online storage... must be more kiasu

good man...

881 LIVE PART 6 - 代替 by 林倛玉 posted by eriol125


林倛玉, aka, 林毅心. He's dam good! His voice, his talent, everything.... hehe....

梦飞船 on a previously-aired music show in Sg. They sang 天天好心情,等着你回来 and 不值得 (my fav & a lot of other people's fave) . Dam good la! Why they disband... so wasted...think they came out at the wrong time...


Saturday, October 27, 2007


Oooohooo! Jay's 2nd 主打歌!According to jc.net, it's actually a song, First Kiss from the Secret OST. 为什么我没有印象嘞?But I think it's so unlike Jay also...It sounds very familiar, but can't recall anyone or any song. Definitely not Jay-ish to me...hmmmm... but nice...the rap in the middle is Jay already. Yay... haha...

But please I hope he doesn't recycle all the tunes from the Secret OST! That would show that he's very insincere!

周杰伦 - 彩虹(Jay Chou - Rainbow/Cai Hong) w/LYRICS

And while youtubing his song, found this song also from Secret OST, and the cute singer is rumoured to be with Jay. Ahyo, so pretty and cute, Jay 会被电到吧?哈哈。。。

周杰伦词曲主阵 江语晨《晴天娃娃》

Ahya might as well 一次过 post what stuff I've found these few days. Kept seeing her name appear, didn't know who she was nor heard her songs, so I youtube-ed her name la, and now thinks she's dam cool.... She's not exactly pretty, but she has that kind of "sei", the style, attitude. And her voice's warm and strong. I like! She's KT Tunstall, a Scottish singer-songwriter.

And I think the kind of looping system she often uses in her live performance is dam cool la. Suaku me didn't know such stuff existed.

KT Tunstall - Black Horse And The Cherry Tree

KT Tunstall If Only Acoustic

Other Side of the World MV

Oh then ah, today when I was on the bus, I saw something that is usually not seen one in Singapore. There was this man who kept bending down when standing, I thought he has some muscle weakness or something, or that he fell asleep, but it wasn't. It was a conscious effort in the bending. Then a few people, a girl, and a beng-looking man, and me of course, kept looking at him. The girl, like me, was smiling to ourselves, cos don't know what he was doing. Maybe he was exercising or something. Then finally, the beng-looking man asked if he was OK, and he said it was cos of his foot or something. (I was listening to music, didn't hear their conversation.) But then later they actually had a friendly conversation. hahha...it's quite rare for me lor, this sight. Everyday, when we board the bus or MRT, everyone looks so glum and are so abosrbed in their own world. When would you see strangers striking up a conversation? haha...then they even "grabbed hands", like best buddy like that haha... so cute...and secondly, the beng-looking man isn't that beng afterall... do not judge a book by its cover.

K la, better get back to proper work...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

SO many things happened today... good and bad ba...

early morning had driving, and my driving is rubbishly horrible! sigh sure fail one la...

then had a mini potluck with my friends in sch ahhaha...

then finally i thought ending of the day returning to the lab was a bore, but I actually saw 2-3 cockatoos outside the lab, in the trees! COuld tell that they were cockatoos cos of their crest. But it wasn't yellow... seemed white...I wonder if they escaped from the birdpark... but my friend and i were saying Jurong birdpark quite far lei... ahah.... it was quite a sight, from the Pharmaceutics lab, my friend and I observed it for about 10min and stopped doing our stuff ahhaha...

then there was another squirrel which wanted to steal 1 of the bird's food. that bird seemed to be grasping onto an orange, and it was diligently peeling away. I don't know if I saw correctly, cos it's quite far away la... but quite interesting ah ha...then I think there was also another crow? But 2 against 1, the crow eventually flew away.

here's a pic of a white / umbrella cockatoo! not taken by me of course! i was too far away.
link on wikipedia:
and finally a squirrel pic. so cute! haha..

Sunday, October 14, 2007

梁静茹 品冠 - Way back into Love 回到爱 mv

Somehow I prefer 梁静茹's duets with 品冠. Somehow their voices sound better together, in my opinion la, as compared to 光良. Ahya but the song below's very nice also... haha....梁静茹's songs all nice la!

梁静茹 光良 - 只能抱着你

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


hAHA... Was waiting for the 首播 when doing experiment in lab. I kept laughing to myself when I first listened! It's super hilarious. After reading the lyrics, it's even funnier la... trust them to come up with such a song.... it's soo soo different... I like it, but I may grow tired of it, I don';t know... but can't wait for his album!

呜啦啦啦 火车笛 随著奔腾的马蹄 小妹妹吹著口琴 夕阳下美了剪影

我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景 接下来换介绍我自己

我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶 為什麼不喝啤酒 因為啤酒伤身体

很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都靠武器 赤手空拳就缩成蚂蚁

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了

你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观眾都累了 英雄也累了

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了

正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的

我啦啦啦骑毛驴 因為马跨不上去 洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因為可以玩玩具

我有颗善良的心 都只穿假牛皮 喔跌倒时尽量不压草皮

枪口它没长眼睛 我曾经答应上帝 除非是万不得已 我尽量射橡皮筋

老闆先来杯奶昔 要逃命前请你 顺便餵餵我那隻小毛驴

Sunday, October 07, 2007

1 week later... still reliving...

九份的咖啡店 (taken by me..sry ah very small) don;t you think it's like an angel on stage?

Sentimental Kills (bad video taking skills i know.. haha.. then so many pple walked past, i fed up, so didn't video until song finish)

didn't video the "high" songs, cos too high already la, take out camera very lechey...

Monday, October 01, 2007


Ah..... Still can't get enough of 绮贞。。。She's so pretty!!!

View her photos my mypaper.com.sg here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mypaper/sets/72157602223665037/

A link to a review on omy.sg: http://www.omy.sg/showbiz/enews/200710/20071001_001_cheer.html

View a vodcast + some live performance here:

I so agree with the journalist - her voice's so sweet and almost child-like, but yet you can sense the strength and resilience in her voice. hehehe...

So far, all reviews I've seen are good heheheh.....

Cheer Chen - my angel of music!

After the night of escapism, I had to return to reality to finish my assignment before school starts again! Sigh...

But, it was magical, mystical, almost heavenly, and pure enjoyment, happiness and fun!

When she opened with the guitar-only 九份的咖啡店, I felt as if it was an ANGEL on stage. Her voice, her costume, her image, the stage setting, everything was just so angelic.

She sang a couple of slow songs, of which some I wasn't too familiar with. The acoustic version of 躺在你的衣柜 & 就算全世界与我为敌 was refreshing. I thought it was a pity she didn't sing the original version of 躺在你的衣柜 . Then slowly, and rock came as the band fell in - the accordian, the guitar, the drums...

Her only English song, Sentimental Kills was as cool as she was when she donned a red mask. Can't remember the repertoire of songs, but she also sang a French song, following which she sang 一起去巴黎. Didn't hear it before, but it's nice!

The crowd went high when she paraded round the audience in a "float" while singing 女明星. My friend and I just rushed to the front but got shoved by the security guards. I only managed to catch a glimpse of her and her beautiful red hair...

After that, it was high all the way when she sang a series of rock and familiar songs - 躺在你的衣柜 in its original version! Didn't expect her to sing it twice. Her favourite song?? haha.. and 让我想一想,华丽的冒险 etc.

Then of course there was 告诉我,还是会寂寞,小步舞曲,80% 完美的日子,腐朽,静静的生活,我的骄傲无可救药,温室花朵。。。。

旅行的意义 was so touching - don't know why... then some die-hard fans really brought along their helmets - so funny! It was beautiful - the whole song, and the whole atmosphere.

The climax and hype and fun of the whole thing actually lies in the encore - as there was not 1, not 2, but 5 encores!!! How exciting is that! Most people just didn't bear to leave, even after the bossa nova music came on, and credits rolled. So we just kept cheering and clapping while she kept appearing on stage and just sang, since she said 不太会讲话. So everyone just rushed to the front, stood on the
chairs and swayed along with the music. I waited until my favourite 太聪明 came. And After 17.. very nice... and some other songs which I don't recognise, but were equally good.

We finally left only when people came on stage to pack up... still so reluctant...

Cheer's such an angel - both her voice and herself are angelic and serene. Her music is an ode to life and being able to live life peacefully.

She's so soft-spoken, and shy, I think there were less than 5 min of talking throughout the whole show, only singing, but that's all right. Cos the music could bring across what she feels - her passion for music, life, love and everything else beautiful. The fact that she love summer shows her passion for and optimism in life. Her music's just so relaxing and peaceful and serene, we are allowed to leave behind the mundanity and problems in life and escape into her world.

It was so true when she said that we are really lucky to be able to be present to relax and immerse ourselves in the music while others are probably engaged in battles of life.

She's such a humble, sentimental and lovely, talented lady! I really feel her oozing with charm, intelligence and beauty. Zhong Chenghu, her boyfriend's really lucky.

她是一个多么有内涵的气质音乐人啊! 陈绮贞 - 我的音乐天使!

Check out a video of her singing 失败者的飞翔 - 超感人!


Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

OMG! Mid sem break's here....

Can't believe it! Mid sem break's here! I thought school just started....Been really busy, and sleeping late - never slept before 1am these 6 weeks... other people's last year in school so "eng" one, not like us pharmers... think 4th year is the worst.. and somemore must learn to be independent, cos of FYP. so scary.. but quite interesting, and quite good la, learn to learn, not just be spoon-fed all the time haha..

That's a picture of what I have been working with, and breathing in... from China one lei.. for the past 1-2 weeks have been milling/ grinding them down - so much dust breathed in! a bit worried... but since it's a herb, should be beneficial? haha i don't know lei.. But my lab coat's so dirty lor... like underwent some "sandstorm" haha..

DOn't think it';s just some ordinary bark k, has medicinal properties one...It's called 厚朴. It is a "wind-dispelling" herb, for gut problems heehee... But that's not the main topic of my project. Hard to describe wat my project really is about la haha..
Recently, radio keeps playing this song, and it's "hook-y".

月牙湾 - F.I.R.

Ooooo.... so pretty... both the lady and the scenery, and the voice... haha....

Sunday, September 16, 2007


今天在晚报上看到这则新闻, 就是陈绮贞欢迎大家点唱喜欢的歌,让她在演唱会上唱!从以下8首歌曲选出最想听的,然后把选择电邮(rocksgp@gmail.com)或传真 (62816533)到新加坡滚石唱片!

After 17


Friday, September 14, 2007

songs and thoughts

Just wanna share what "new" songs recently I found that are nice..

范玮琪 - 哲学家

温岚 - 傻瓜

Why must she always 牺牲 so much for MVs? or is it 赚到? haha...


no video - just a preview of their new song - F.I.R. - 月牙湾http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzoIGzsl7AQ

Anyway, just had a CA this afternoon, and it was horrible. Hope can pass... Anyway, I learnt that time management's truly very important in final year, especially with FYP. It's so scary..

Talking about scary, the tremors yesterday were really scary... For the first time in my life, I actually felt the earth and myself shake - I thought I was dizzy, but it really shook! It was such a small tremor here and already I felt so scared with goosebumps popping up, I really can't imagine how the people at the scene itself felt... I feel that recently there has been lots of natural disasters... very scary...

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Woohoo! can't wait for sodagreen's 3rd album!!!

click here!

So exciting! And if u have cable, do catch them this Sat 8/9 at 10pm on channel 49 on 娱乐@亚洲. donno local TV is live or not.

btw this is my 100th post! wow have come a long way ahhaha..

Sunday, September 02, 2007

relax time!

Taking a break from my FYP research proposal...

After ranting on and on about Jay and his talent, it's only fair that I share with you the talents of others haha..

Jay Chou- Ke Ai Nu Ren (Piano Version)

Ju Hua Tai (Jay Chou) Cover for Cello and Piano

Change of genre haha/..

Irish Flute + Tin Whistle & Guitar

If you've got time, check out other videos of Tinwhistler. He and his brother are so cool!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

不能说的秘密 - 赞!!!

I'm so tired I want to sleep, but I just had to blog about this before I forget tomorrow.

Anyway, I am super impressed with Jay after watching Secret. 你没看错。我这个超级杰伦迷到今天才去看<不能说的秘密>!


Spoilers below! For those who haven't watched Secret, (slower than me ones), go watch go watch, and be awed by Jay ! hahahaha...

Anyways, I love Secret! The little romantic antics, the witty dialogues, the funny expressions, the beautiful settings, the old antique piano, the trees etc etc..

The cast is excellent. Gui Lunmei is a very elegant and pretty lead character, 很有气质, and she successfully portrayed the character as a mysterious girl, whom even I want to know her better aha... and she';s so natural. She looks good even without thick makeup. I must applaud Jay for having such good choice, in choosing girls haha..

As for Jay, I heard that his acting improved. And I do think that it did! He looks much more natural here than in "黄金甲". Maybe cos different genre, and this is his own film that's y. Also, there seems to be more expressions from him now - the mischievous, cheeky look, the sad face (omg I especially love the very last scene - when he had a bit of tears. reminded me of 开不了口' MV haha..), the flustered, scared look....

I love the fact that Jay incorporated music into the movie - how the whole movie revolves around music. His dad in the movie even commented that people who don't listen to music are bad kids. This sounded very familiar, as I remember Jay once said that music is good, and usually those who listen to music are good kids.. haha..

It is also very heartwarming to see that his house is full of music - the racks and racks of CDs, the guitar hanging on the wall, the piano, even his dad is into music.

It was also very romantic that the couple got together because of their love for music, and the times where they enjoy music together.

I especially love the piano duel scenes, not only because of Jay and Yuhao's superb piano skills, but also because the way some scenes were shot. Such as the zooming in and spanning across of the piano inside, the wood and hammers and the whole mechanics of piano playing. I felt that it was really cool!

I was totally surprised in the later half of the movie. At first I thought 小雨 was a ghost! But it turned out otherwise, and it turned out to be very unbelievable. I immediately thought if Lake House...The thought of 2 lovers being separated by time and space - it was so heart-wrenching! Especially the scribbling part... and when 小雨tells her part, everything falls into perspective and it just gets sadder....

I like the way he fills up the bits and pieces in when 小雨tells her part. It made the story feel fuller and more complete. Otherwise, it would have just been a typical, cliched romance film.

However the scene where he was furiously playing the piano away while the walls & chandelier come tumbling down, it was a little exagerated. But yet I think it showed the turmoil and anxiousness and eagerness of him to finish playing the "key" piece.

The last twist at the end was yet another surprise. But my sis and I were saying, what about the poor dad? haha..

I think some may say the whole thing is so illogical and not understandable, but again like Lake House, it is precisely this irrationality and "twisted logic" that makes it nice. Don't have to think so much, why like that, why go back bla bla bla..

And I lvoe the OST. Regretted not buying it earler. See la now everywhere also sold out, even HMV! sigh...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

nothing.. just felt like posting..

我报 - 发现苏打绿后台精彩花絮

MyPaper, 我报 has featured sodagreen! click on the link above for some reports and cute video clips, plus a live performance!

As for my first week of school, not too happening. erm.. is a test in the 1st week of school happening? haha... and as for FYP, didn't get my 1st 3 choices, but oh well, at least I got 1 out of 6 choices... sometimes it's so strange... statistics or probability just don't quite make sense.. maybe it's just 天意haha..

Sunday, August 12, 2007

苏打绿 - 今年夏天特别绿

What makes a band? What makes a successful band that can touch the hearts of the listeners, that can"high-ify" the listeners, that can make listeners drown in their music?

I would think:
a charismatic lead singer + brilliant music arrangement + talented musicians including all the instrumentalists & lead singer + music that can tug at your heartstrings + camaraderie between the band members + simple but sincere interaction with the audience + tribute performance to their music influences + pure music enjoyment

and I believe 苏打绿 sodagreen last night fulfilled all my so-called criteria to be a successful band!

I didn't know about them only until this year, I never bought their albums until recently, I didn't know the band members' names (now I know very well!), I didn't attend their autograph sessions in Singapore the other time, I haven't watched a single of their live performances, but I just felt drawn towards them and daringly bought a concert tic with my friend, and voila! I love them so much now!

3 hours of live 苏打绿 made my Saturday night truly memorable! Now I feel that I am drawn closer to them, to their music world, and understand them better!

青峰's voice is amazing! His vocals are so powerful, and he never goes off-pitch, and his falsettos were hit so beautifully and resonating throughout the whole auditorium! His vocal range is terribly huge - I think most females can't reach those ultra high ones! Also, he injects so much emotions into his singing, especially the ballad-style songs. 背着你 was my favourite! It was so touching, we almost cried... But when he sings those fast songs, it's like 脱胎换骨 - he's so super high and is able to 带动情绪!

The keyboardist -cum - violinist - cum- dancer 阿龚 - I don't know what to say! His piano & violin skills are so 神, but his dancing - haha quite funny la!

The acoustic guitarist - 阿福 is very cute also! The banters between him and 青峰 were so cute and funny!

The bassist - the only female in the 6-man band, 馨仪 is super cool and chio la! So stylo lor!

The electric guitarist - 家凯 is so 帅!He looks so good playing the guitar!

And lastly the drummer - 小威, although he's blocked by the drumset, his drumming skills are incredible, and he was so pitiful when he was "chided" by 青峰 haha...

So now on to the repertoire of songs they performed. Mostly from their 2 albums & singles, a lot I'm not familiar with, but I enjoyed songs that I've heard such as 背着你,是我的海,你喔,小宇宙,小情歌,频率,you are you will, OH OH OH OH! I also enjoyed the covers they did. They made the songs theirs la! Some English songs that I'm not familiar with, 1 by Radiohead and Toxic by Britney Spears, some Chinese singers who influenced them musically, 我只在乎你,天空 (王菲 's version la!), 夜太黑,旅行的意义,女爵. Superb! & during 夜太黑 they actually invited a saxaphonist who was as superb as them! Cool!

The best part I believe was a 2nd encore that was impromptu where I truly felt like I was at a rock concert, probably in Taipei haha..After the official encore, the music and lights came on, and some people have already left, but mostly sayed back. hoping that the band will pop up on stage again, and indeed they did, and everyone rushed to the front! We were just like below the stage, so close so close to them! And they did requests from the floor. Ended off with 我的未来不是梦 which left me with some strong feelings.

他们勇于追求梦想,所以才有今天的成就,所以才能让我们欣赏,享受他们的音乐, 而我的梦想又是什么呢?我也不清楚...

Tonight they'll be performing again at an original composition competition organised by NTU, but I decided not to go, as school starts tomorrow... sad...


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Bedlington Terrier

I didn't think that such a dog breed would appear here... But today as I was taking a bus home, it appeared - the lamb-look-alike, triangular-faced dog - Bedlington Terrier! I was rather amazed by it, I smiled and turned my head back to look at it as the bus zoomed pass haha...It's head's really funny, and it looks cute haha..

"It has been described as a dog with the heart of a lion and the appearance of a lamb. With his pear-shaped head, arched back and curly coat, the Bedlington Terrier in fact does look like a little sheep.

The Bedlington Terrier was originally named the Rothbury Terrier, after the district of Rothbury on the English border.

Bedlington was used as a vermin hunter by the miners of Bedlington who also exploited its gameness as a fighting dog in the pits. "

Taken from Dog Breed Info Center

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Concerts galore!

11 Aug 2007 sodagreen 苏打绿

29 Sept 2007 Cheer Chen 陈绮贞 "A Piece of Summer" 新加坡演唱会 2007

13 Oct 2007 Sammi 2007 Show Mi World Tour

08 Nov 2007 A-Mei World Tour 2007

So many concerts, so little time, and not enough money! Really wish to go to 陈绮贞's concert, especially so when I missed her mini showcase 2 years ago, but my sisters not interested, meaning no sponsor + no company! sigh....

I "advertised" sodagreen's concert on my blog the other time, and there was 1 taker hahaha...so any takers this time?? haha...

Meanwhile, snippets of her Taiwan concert here...

Friday, July 27, 2007

王力宏 - 改变自己

I had wanted to wait for the gai ban, but couldn’t wait any longer. I just had to get my hands on the album.

I was really surprised & glad when I saw the album. It was super thin and was just a simple case made of recycled paper with the CD inside. But it was flimsy, so I must take extra care of it. Compared to his previous albums which were packaged “lavishly”, this is much more “down-to-earth”, and I mean it literally as well. I actually prefer simple CDs. I don’t like it nowadays when every artiste has such huge rectangular albums that are thick somemore – can’t fit into my rack! Furthermore, it’s such a waste of resources! Why must there be another paper cover when the contents are the same on the actual album itself and the useless outer paper cover…

Oops but I believe the pre-sale albums are huge. Lee Hom’s Taiwan presale albums I mean. (Singapore didn’t have any! =( )

After reading some reviews online, in the papers & in magazines, it’s time to write my own!

I just got it the day before I think, and I have been listening to it since. This and only this. I don’t think I gave 盖世英雄 Heroes of the Earth,his previous album, so much radioplay as this! Actually, everyone has been saying how great GSYX was, but frankly, I didn’t enjoy it so much, don’t know why.. I think cos it’s too new – the chinked-out style that Lee Hom invented, or that I’m not exposed to that kind of hip-hop music. But XZDRY was OK. Nonetheless, I still think XZDRY & GSYX were 2 definitive albums of creative Lee Hom. And I’m really glad actually that he didn’t continue this chinked-out 风格 haha.. Actually, the way he sort of temporarily leave his chinked-out风格behind and go on to 改变自己 was really bold, as some critics may say that he hasn’t found a niche or something. (actually there’s traces of 中国风here and there la). But this is the exact reason why I like him, as he is constantly thinking of how to bring newer and better music to everyone by changing his music style and music theme for every album. And it’s really nice that nowadays artistes actually think of a main theme for every album.

On the whole, I think it’s a very “down-to-earth” album. I feel as if he’s trying to return to the 90s, the earlier “era” of Mando-pop – easy-listening songs with melodies that can hook you up. I feel as if he’s trying to tone everything down, get back to what most Chinese-pop listeners are familiar with, but at the same time he has infused a modern feel into this music – as in you may feel like it’s a 90s song but you definitely know that it’s not. Haha I think my explanation sucks…I feel that he’s trying to connect with the listeners only through his music, his singing and his heart.

So what does this album have? Sad ballads, you got it. Feel-good songs, you got it. Party songs – you got it too. Rap – the “in” thing now, it’s there. In fact I enjoy Lee Hom’s raps. They are listenable, & you actually know what he’s rapping, not like Jay or Edison, & has his own style and rhythm. Of course I like Jay’s raps too, but wa can’t tolerate Edison’s raps. His accent is so strong I don’t know what he’s saying. Oops sidetracked..

Think I’ll just do a track-by-track rundown la..

1. Intro – a very apt intro song. I can anticipate this to be the opening song for his concert. Very grand and “pompous” haha..

2. 改变自己
upbeat song which makes me want to stand up and move to the beat. Catchy tune too. Main message – 你我的力量也能改变世界 – do your part to help reduce global warming. He’s jumping on the bandwagon to bring the “green” message across.

"今早起床了 觉得头有点痛 可能是二氧化碳太多 氧气不够”

Actually this is not the first time he’s mentioned about global warming. People may misunderstand him that he’s only making use of the trend now, to give his album more publicity. Traces of a “green” Lee Hom can be seen in “你和我” and an English song “Nature” written by him which I first heard of in his compilation album “Evolution”.

Watch the MV here! Handsome Lee Hom X 4! haha..
Introductory video of the “改变自己乐团"
part 1
part 2

3. 落叶归根
the opening strings – beautiful! The song – beautiful! Lee Hom’s voice – beautiful! Initially I thought it wasn’t written by him, as the lyrics booklet stated that it’s written by “Kuang Y.M”. I thought who is this songwriter? How stupid can I be! It’s written by his alter-ego la in the movie 色戒。The character he portrays in the movie is named “Kuang Yi Min”. hhaah..

I probably won’t have as much feel for this song as one who has been away from home. But it’s moving and beautiful.

4. 创作前言
it’s nice! A mixing of his different songs all these years - like a dedication of the next song to his fans

5. 我们的歌
I believe it’s for the fans. I still remember in GSYX there was this song his fans wrote for him. So now it’s a return gift? Haha..it’s a catchy song with “personalized” lyrics. Especially like this line – “如果世界太危险 只有音乐最安全 带着我进梦里面 让歌词都实现”. I think it’s so true – music is like a reclusion for everyone, a shelter from this crazy world.

6. 你是我心内的一首歌
duet with Selina! I never imagined that he would ask Selina to duet with him! Haha.. but their voices do blend! It’s a “pretty” love song which has the retro-feel and I prefer it so much more than David & Jolin’s “song of the year”! Yuck!

The music arrangement is nice and gives a romantic feel. I like the saxophone in the middle! But the ending I felt was quite abrupt – the “cha cha cha” beat haha..

watch the 58s MV here!
Watch the Behind-the-scenes shooting of the MV here!

7. 爱在那里
it gave me a feeling that I’m listening to Jacky Cheung / Andy Lau’s classic oldies. The music arrangement and all. But it has a modern feel to it, especially the way he sings it with the vocal backings. Very soothing and easy-listening. Has a bit of ZGF ba.. but the chorus’s a little repetitive towards the end.

8. Cockney Girl
a hip-hop song with some raps and reminded me of 竹林深处. Talks about his “神奇的巧遇” with this London Cockney girl who can speak Mandarin during clubbing in London. Quite a fun hip-hop song which shows his “party mode”.
Other than that, he emphasizes his love for music again “想追也追不到 音乐是我的呼吸 不用想太多 它自然在我的身体里” & the main theme this time around –改变自己 - “带你从纽约到乌鲁木齐 从京剧昆曲现在到伦敦的Cockney 有些人只会重复自己但是 not me”。Er.. was he referring to Jay? Haha no la probably not. 我太多心了.

9. 不完整的旋律 –
this song grabbed my attention. The lyrics may be sucky to some, but I feel that he’s talking to us, sharing with us his love and passion for music in this song through the lyrics and his singing.

“心里有个旋律 不完整的歌曲 你是否听得出 来我拖了一拍” – I wouldn’t expect such lyrics in a Chinese pop song! And honestly, I couldn’t really tell how he dragged the beat ahhaha…
“不完整的旋律 没什么结局 却是我真实的声音” – how earnest & sincere can he be..

10. 爱的鼓励
a lively and upbeat song with a very suitable title. It’s really a song of encouragement. Love the piano in the background plus the jazzy piano interlude. And the piano’s played by him!

11. 华人万岁
a rap song which shows how proud he is to be a Chinese. Quite a fun and happy song, basically a “Woohoo I’m Chinese!” kind of song. I especially find these few lines funny :

“从来没有人说过中文 LIKE THIS 标准可是加了黄绿红的TWIST. 黄绿红! 王力宏!”If you don’t know, it’s actually his nickname which he kept adopting since the MacDonald’s advertisements ahha..

“做一个领袖 做一个领袖 领和袖 我都有” – funny lei…

12. 星期六的深夜
a moving love ballad. With just a piano and a guitar played by him, he brought out the whole feel of the song. It sounds like a Western song to me though. But it’s sad..

I feel that this album’s rather introspective – a consolidation of all that he’s done so far, and in turn, giving a new feel to his music. It’s like Wang Lee Hom reborn haha…there won’t be any tracks that you will skip, but I guess there may not be a song as memorable as Forever Love, Kiss Goodbye, or 唯一. But I love this album a lot – gives me a sense of familiarity, security and comfort.

Wa another long album review. It is only during the holidays that I can write such album reviews haha..

改变自己 Official Site

Sunday, July 22, 2007

DId You Know?

1) that banded sea snakes are viviparous, in that they bear live young offspring at sea & not lay eggs? Except the banded sea crait which is able to come ashore to lay eggs.

Click here for more info!

2) that baby koala bears eat their mother's poo for nutrition purposes?

CLick here for more info!

3) that koalas need at least 20hrs of sleep a day because of the tiredness from chewing a large amount of hard eucalyptus leaves?

Found out about all these when watching Animal Planet / National Geographic haha..

4) female birds can lay eggs even without a male partner?

Found out from my bird! And I suspect she's suffering from egg binding now - an egg is "stuck" in her body..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Yet another interesting duet!

这次是五月天 + 陈绮贞!很久以前就很期待他们的合作,现在终于等到啦!


私奔到月球 试听
詞:阿信 曲:阿信 演唱:五月天+陳綺貞

其實妳 是個心狠又手辣 的小偷
我的心 我的呼吸和名字 都偷走
你才是 綁架我的兇手 機車後座的我 吹著風 逃離了平庸

這星球 天天有五十億人 在錯過
多幸運 有妳一起看星星 在爭寵
這一刻 不再問為什麼 不再去猜測人和人 心和心 有什麼不同

一二三 牽著手 四五六 抬起頭
七八九 我們私奔到月球
讓雙腳 去騰空 讓我們 去感受
那無憂的真空 那月色純真的感動

當妳說 太聰明往往還是 會寂寞
我笑著 傾聽孤單終結後 的寂寞
看月亮 像夜空的瞳孔 靜靜凝視你我 和我們閙嚷的星球

靠近妳 怎麼突然兩個人 都詞窮
讓心跳 像是野火燎原般 的洶湧
這一刻 讓命運也沉默 讓腳尖劃過天和天 地和地 緣分的宇宙

cHANGE topic to movies! Just came back from watching Transformers & I enjoyed it! I actually dislike all these robot movies, like I-Robots or whatever, but I must say I enjoyed this! Don't know why also...

Maybe cos the transforming process was something new & cool to me, cos I don't watch the cartoon nor do I play with the toys. But I remember my cousin playing with them when young, & I remember everytime during transformation he would make the "voosh voosh" sound effects. So this time when watching the movie, I vaugely remember the childhood times, and I see this transforming scaled up 100s of times haha..

The storyline's not very fantastic, in fact rather cliched with aliens wanting to control earth and the battle between good & evil. But the sequence of events flowed well & the effects were great. The transforming process from the very cool-looking cars to the giant robots was rather "breathtaking" as well haha..

It's action-packed - battles between the autobots & lots of bombings everywhere, and there's some humour as well. I especially liked the scene when the autobots were in Sam's garden. They were like gentle giants, the autobots..

And it wasn't Sam who stole my heart, but BumbleBee! Bumblebee's cute! For the first time I actually felt something for robots! Actually not really.. I remember AI too.. It was a touching movie about artificial intelligence. but they don't look like robots.. Robots in my opinion are scary & freaky. But not the autobots in Transformers haha..

So I recommend this movie!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How did they??

Was very free, so I surfed youtube and came across all these fantastically talented musicians. How did they do that?? Especially the 1st 2...

John Butler Trio - Ocean
furious guitar playing...Watch till the end . ... his fingers....

beatboxing flute player Greg Patillo with super mario brothers theme
his mouth.... his lungs....his face's all red already...

Triple Ocarina
quite cool! didn;t know a triple ocarina existed heehee..

girl playing hammered dulcimer / santur / "Western yang2 qin2"
another video of her

Sunday, July 15, 2007

歌神 God of Songs

I finally get to see the "God of Songs" 歌神 perform live. And I am extremely amazed by him.

At the "not-so-flattering" age of 46 for a celebrity, his stamina, energy, showmanship, and most importantly voice were superb!

He has been singing longer than I am born (When he debutted I wasn't even born yet) and it's great that after so many years, he's still bringing moving and fantastic music and performances to everyone.

I especially love his bassy & manly voice and the way he soars effortlessly to high registers and all his soulful, moving and emotional renditions of his classic ballad hits.

From Chinese classics 每天爱你多一些,吻别,情书 to Cantonese classics 只想一生跟你走,李香兰 to more recent works 在你身边,我真的受伤了, his live singing is indescribable with words... they were just too perfect.

And the songs he wrote for his daughter and wife, they were beautiful! He must be a very good husband and father...

Also, I didn't know that he could dance! His dance moves were sleek and energetic, and at his age, I think he's so good! It's no wonder that he perspired perfusely already at the beginning with a few of his fast numbers (which I wasn't too familiar with). And he was so high, that the newspapers commented that he was 颠 (Canto, means crazy)! He defended himself, saying that only when performing fast rock songs can he scream like nobody's business, and screaming's really a relieve of stress and bad feelings. I didn't know that this heavenly king's really quite humorous too! The way he connects with the audience and interacts with us was a very good feeling.

I was surprised that he even incorporated a half-hour musical into this world tour. Actually I shouldn't be, since the 2 musicals that he starred in, Snow Wolf Lake (雪狼湖) & Perhaps Love (如果。爱) were so successful. But it was a regret for me that the musical featured only 1 Snow-Wolf-Lake song 爱是永恒. It was after watching 雪狼湖 that I truly admired this heavenly king.

And it is after watching this fantastic concert that I believe, the stage belongs to him. Performing is really in his blood, and he is blessed with a "heavenly" voice.

昨晚真的是让我听出了耳油!听学友哥唱歌真的是人生的一大享受。绕梁三天。。荡气回肠。。 哈哈。。(滥用成语)



Friday, July 13, 2007

new songs!


1)张惠妹 - 如果你也听说 试听

阿妹高亢的嗓音 + 周董式扣人心弦的音乐 + 金牌写词人的词 = 2007 年度最 "K" 但“杀死喉咙”的女生歌曲

2)王力宏 - 落叶归根 MV

帅哥才子力宏深情的演唱 - 迷人! 也是2007 年度最 "K" 但“杀死喉咙”的男生歌曲

3) 周杰伦 - 不能说的秘密 MV

另一首2007 年度最 "K" 但“杀死喉咙”的男生歌曲
周董式情歌 - 英式摇滚??
又弹琴又弹吉他 - 帅!!

Monday, July 09, 2007


Wa... my junior said I very long never update, so here I update. Now I know at least there's 1 person who reads my blog .. haha..

It's been more than 2 weeks since my attachment ended, and what have I done?
Hmmm ...

Went for driving lessons which are super stressful; Went for wisdom tooth extraction which scared the hell out of me; watched some dramas; , went for guitar class which is causing my fingers to hurt; , went to Ikea to get CD rack and mini-bookshelf which were fixed up by other people but myself; ; arranged my CDs; arranged the PILs that I collected during attachment; arranged my mp3 files; wrap up my newly bought BNF, DIH & DiPiro handbook but never read the contents...

Now that I;ve listed them, they don't seem very interesting, do they? And it seems I've spent quite a lot this holidays... ooops...

Time for videos!

台湾偶像剧 - Most of them are rather silly, CRAZY and stupid, & rather draggy at times, but very entertaining and funny, especially with the cast. I think an important factor that pushes me to watch videos is the cast.

1st drama - 热情仲夏 - starring 郑元畅 & 五熊

Typical Taiwanese drama with the girl who falls in love with the guy who disliked her at first but changed his mindset as he discovers her passion (that's why the title 热情仲夏) for life and pple around her, and of course her passion for him. It's really similar to 恶作剧之吻. Very crazy and rather funny, but it's much shorter and sweeter with 12 episodes only!

Nice supporting cast by 小鬼,阮经天,the very beautiful 张毓晨 & 阿信(信乐团)also.

Here's the main song's MV. 你要什么就说MV-小宇 (热情仲夏片头曲)I have no idea who's this singer. Anyone knows?

And here are some links.

Official Website
Preview 1
Preview 2
Preview 3

2nd drama - 爱情经纪约 starring 杜德伟,许绍洋 & Lara
This is a more serious drama revolving around artiste management companies, showbiz, & deception & most importantly an interesting couple, with the guy being 18 years older than the girl! hahaha...But Alex To is rather charming and man, so it's no wonder it happened heehee...Lara's first drama - not bad for a first drama. 许绍洋's quite good-looking, but his Mandarin cannot make it.

The plot's OK la, at least there's some storyline. And it's not too draggy either. 15 episodes I think. Nice ending too!

杜德偉 Alex Toh and Lara - 未完待續 [To Be Continued] 《爱情经纪约》 插曲

Quite a lot of other songs that I thought were not too bad. Too bad I can't find the vdeo that they play before the show. So the below is just the MVs to the songs found in the drama.

杜德偉 - 迷途 Theme song

Official Website

Sunday, June 03, 2007


These guys are awesome!

Pirates of the Caribbean Medley piano posted by Raftaman92

Pirates of the Caribbean [Main Theme] on guitar posted by hemo1985

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Just watched it last night! I didn't think it was as bad as reviews made it to be. It was just pure entertainment and fun. The CG effects were great, the sets and scenes were wonderful, the plot was rather exciting (albeit a little confusing to me ), the cast was excellent! Sao Feng, Captain Barbosa,Davy Jones, Elizabeth & Will, the undead monkey and the dog that returned, the funny Pintel & Ragetti and of course not forgetting, the loony and hilarious Captain Jack Sparrow! Poor Captain had all the signs of schizo.. auditory hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder etc etc...peanuts...haha..

I got confused with all the betrayal and bargain etc etc.. I'm too slow la.. but after reading forums and sites online, everything was clear. Actually Davy Jones was quite pitiful...the tear he shed and the sad song he played on the organ.. and the betrayal by Calypso..sigh.. it was fun too to see the banters and squabbles between the 2 captains.. haha...

& here are some quotes I found memorable (from imdb.com)
Jack Sparrow: You know, for pirates, we sure are an unimaginative lot at naming things.
Jack Sparrow: I once sailed with a man that had lost both his arms and part of his eye.
Gibbs: What did you call him?
Jack Sparrow: [pause] Larry

Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by.

The world is still the same just less in it.

shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue

Elizabeth Swann: This is madness.
Jack Sparrow: This is politics.

I leave you people alone for just a minute and look what happens. Everything's gone to pot!

And that was without a single drop of rum!

Found some vids on youtube. BTW love the OST too. Very suitable for the music. The "He's a Pirate" theme that kept running from the 1st instalment to the last, nice!

POTC behind-the-scenes

Depp Interview

POTC3 Music - Drink Up, Me Hearties Video

POTC 3 Music - Up is Down

Friday, May 25, 2007




地点:The Republic Cultural Centre Main Auditorium


票价:$70, $60, $50


售票地点:100 号,Beach Road, Shaw Leisure Gallery, #02-32, Singapore 189702

Another link


Anyone wants to watch Soda Green's concert? heehee..

樱桃帮's back with a new album! I thought it was too fast haha... Wasn't too impressed.. was disappointed...I think I prefer the 1st album. The songs left a much deeper impression on me. Especially songs like 清新早晨, 秘密花园, 蚀月 etc...
Listen to the 1st album here!

Listen to the 2nd album here!

Anyway, been busy with attachment. 2 weeks down, 4 more weeks to go! Quite enjoyed it la, although rather tired and legs are aching. Furthermore it's near to my home, so very convenient hehe..Learnt a lot and realised that what I studied at NUS was actually important! But there are lots more to be learnt hehe....Everyone's very nice over there too! Hee..

I realised once I start working, it's hard to keep up to music! Don't even listen to radio often now... can't be as updated as when I am schooling. Better enjoy the last year of school...can't imagine working, and for the rest of my life... and the 9 months of pre-reg.. wa 想到就一点怕了。。。

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Wa damn sian... Why do I always fall sick during holidays... so these few days have been just watching TV, video and sleeping half the day away! Sigh.. Everytime like that, then can't meet my friends for potluck.. sigh..

Anyway, Travis has a new album coming up! Or is it released already.. don't know..but I like Travis - Scottish band. Feels very comfortable listening to their songs, don't know why.

Preview their new songs here!

Here's a video of their new song, CLoser, with a cameo by Ben Stiller haha..

Found another video, and it's an interesting cover of the song, Hit Me Baby One More Time!

And another clip, of them busking!Cute hee...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

More songs

Woohoo woohoo!! It's finally over! hehe... watched some TV and now am here!

New song new song! And gasp! Angela ZHang and Soda Green! Quite surprised when I saw on forum that they had a song together! 蓝眼睛。。。both their voices are so distinct and unique, but it sounds quite cool! I think Angela's voice is too overpowering haha..It seems a reversal of roles hah..Tell me what you think of this song!Oh it's on repeat now haha...it just needs some getting used to.

Here's the link to preview!

And as for English songs, I only recently heard them on radio, as I went radio-switching again..I heard the DJ gushing over him haha.. And heard that he was on American Idol before.. Daughtry. Very man haha.. Seriously! His voice is as man as he is haha.

Daughtry - Home (Acoustic)

It's Not Over (Live)

Have You Ever Loved a Woman on AI In this vid, it seems that singing when lying down can help train to sing from diaphragm? haha. Can never do that...

Friday, April 27, 2007


Woohoo! 3 down, 2 more to go! New MV to add ehhe... SHE's new song, with a mixture of 中国风,绕口令 & 嘻哈. Hmmm, my friend who's a huge SHE fan, said she doesn't like this song. I'm OK, but made me think a bit. OK I know they're like doing it cos everyone's doing it now - 中国风 & 嘻哈, 为了迎合市场。But when everyone's rapping and hip-hopping, how can we forget 绕口令, the Chinese tongue-twisters? The tonation, the rhyming, the "scrambling of characters" that give different meanings but yet sound great when linked up... Yeah..

S.H.E 中国话MV

扁担宽 板凳长 扁担想绑在板凳上
哥哥弟弟坡前坐 坡上卧著一只鹅
哥哥说宽宽的河 弟弟说白白的鹅
不知是那鹅过河 还是河渡鹅

Thursday, April 19, 2007

an "eventful" reading week.. but.. consequences??

There's so much to talk about, but I can't stay long... I think this reading week is the "most eventful" of all, and I'm sure the results will tell...I'm not even close to 50% done.. how...

In this 1 reading week, I passed my driving BTT, and watched Phantom of the Opera. Gosh... can't believe it...

Phantom was amazing.. now then I'm feeling it.. can't get enough of Phantom's voice haha...don't mind watching it again you know..although don't quite understand some parts, but it was an enchanting experience. Will talk about it aGAIN after my exams haha..

Here's a link for more info. Friend, can go read haha...


My own enjoyment aside, if you havne't already heard of it, you can now recycle your IT products for free! Organised by HP, just bring your old IT products down to any SingPost outlets!
Click here for more info!

And really shocked by the American Uni killing.. so scary....One South Korean said, if the society had shown more care and concern for such people.. but then again... sigh... the professor who tried to block him off... really brave..

I think ar I better get back to my studies.. I;'m so dead...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

new MV


Interesting song la... wa quite surprised with the middle/interlude portion haha..And gosh the rap... reminds me of the Fergie lo.. weird ha..

And who's this Lollipop.. 棒棒糖。。。

五月天 摩托車日記 MV

Yay finally found this MV! Like this song a lot! The guitars, the banjo, and there's this 12-stringed guitar, don't know what it is but sounds cool (heard this instrument on the keyboard ahha..) all sounds great hahaha..


This's not a new song, and I know they can't sing, but it's catchy haha..

Lifehouse - Blind

An English song haha.. Not new either.. but bought Lifehouse's album the other time cos I thought it's good, and it's good!

sorry for taking up your loading time / bandwidth...too bored....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So fun!

Wa laos... exams in less than 2 weeks' time, but still slacking away... today had a last CA, but last night still went out.. to support my 二姐 at 爱琴海 hehe... so fun! I think they did really well lo... but as usual, the perfectionist thinks it can be better. My friend says that musicians are like that - perfectionist haha...

And so 巧, we actually got to see Geraldine, the campus Superstar's performance with her friend! Cool! haha... They were great! Young, but good! We even took a pic with them hehehe...aiya but I felt so extra in the pic... like 路人甲 like that..

Really nothing much to update, except that I think Stefanie's new album 逆光's quite nice! Never bought her albums before, cos never liked her before. But don't know why this time I quite enjoyed this album. Cos of the "Egypt" hype? Na... should leave it behind already haha.. But I was impressed with the song 逆光. Great song, interesting lyrics and Stefanie sung it very well too. Other songs which left an impression on me are 安宁,咕叽咕叽,梦游,我怀念的 关于。Do visit Chinesemusicblog for a review on this album!

ok la i better go study liao..

Thursday, March 29, 2007

song hunting again!

哈!Finally... in 4 scooldays, I have had 4 tests! & I made a super stupid mistake in today's! Can't believe myself... probably need to study primary school again..

Anyway, went song hunting on youtube again! Hope I'm not "taking up" too much of your bandwidth bcos of the numerous videos here! haha.. but that's the only way to recommend songs ma..

2 versions of a very K song! TANKS'S 非你莫属! I was told by my friend that it was written by him for 林依晨 initially, but he sang it too and put it into his own album aha... which version is better again? I think this time I prefer Tank's version hehe...比较有味道!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yuna Ito? Jacky Cheung?

oh! so this is Yuna Ito! Didn't know who she is, but keep seeing people talking about her on forums. She's so pretty la, and has a pretty voice too! Pretty but powerful vocals... so blessed aye..

So the 1st song below, is the original Japanese version of Saya's 想念你的歌 . Which is better? I think both are equally good! And the 2nd song, I kept seeing the MV on TV, & kept wondering who's this pretty girl? So it's her...Oh the band also looks so cool lo.. haha. Think they're called REIRA? At first I thought REIRA was her name la.. ignorant me..

Yuna Ito - Endless Story (Theme Song of Japanese movie Nana)

REIRA staring YUNA ITO - Truth

Saya 想念你的歌

& 张学友's gonna have 3 SHOWS for his concert this July in Singapore! 3 SHOWS@! 13 Jul - 15 Jul 2007 ! GOSH....歌神就是歌神!好厉害哦!

Friday, March 16, 2007

张智成 - 另一把好声音



两年前跟朋友一起去看了他的校园演唱会,“验证”了他的歌唱实力 - 他真的不是盖的!而且又很搞笑,讲话还有马来西亚腔,很可爱!那次的校园演唱会让我重新认识到现在稀有的一把好嗓子!


痊愈 - 张智成 Z Chen


Saturday, March 10, 2007

apa kabar?

Phew! Yet another week of test and project is over! Had our Bahasa Indonesia Cultural Night last night! Quite fun, although had a bit of work to do, and could not walk in the tight costume! The food was nice, like the Tauhu Asli, pisang goreng etc. The singing group was funny, the kulintang people were cool, and the aungklung made me recall my primary school days! The costumes were all very beautiful, the picture taken is with our "Padang bride" haha.. Looks like Chinese wedding costume to me heehee

Ooo have you heard of the news? That Dongli 88.3 FM is going to have a huge revamp! They are now going to play a mixture of English and Chinese songs... wonder how it will turn out! But right now, until 12/3 I think, they have no DJs and no adverts except for the "敬请留意三月十二日” advert so it's Chinese songs all the way! Quite cool..

And now I've caught on the Hana Kimi fever, 秀一好可爱!起初我以为吴尊最 帅,可是现在比较喜欢汪东城了!他表情超丰富的,演戏不错,他一出现我都会想笑,而且觉得他越看越帅, 哈哈!

So here's an MV which he acted with Melody!


Speaking of Tank, I think his songs has lots of hooks. Like 专署天使, 给我你的爱. Quite a talented young lad too!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

finally something to update!

haha finally I have someting to update. Went to the Impresario 07 Finals last night, and enjoyed myself! Especially with the fantastic performers/ singers, the hilarious hosts/emcees, the "sang sang jik gi goot" beatboxer and I was most surprised by 张韶涵 Angela Zhang's live performance!

Ooo there's actually a youtube link! Very effecient uploading aye! haha..

watch it here!

I actually liked her when she released her first album! I still remembered I was listening to her album in HMV, and I thought, man I must buy this (but not frmm HMV la haha).I was amazed by the then 20-year-old small-sized pretty lass who had such powerful lungs and clear and strong voice. But subsequently, with songs such as Mama Mama and Pandora, I was irritated by her sharp and act-cute or I thought weird voice and didn't like her. But after last night's live, Woooooo my perception of her turned 180degrees again haha...

I thought her live was much better than her CD, as I could not hear the "sharpness" as present in Meng Li Hua in the album version. Her voice has lots of 穿透力 in my opinion and powerful and well-controlled! Now I know why she won a Best singer or most popular singer award or something haha..

Ok topic change! I think when people keep complaining about pet owners cleaning after their pets, some humans must learn to lcean after themselves too。 Literally, especially in toilets! Experiences of defecating-matter-stained toilet bowls can tell you that. And littering. The pamphlet-flooded-escalator and walkways at the linkway leading to Suntec yesterday..... terrible sight....

Monday, February 19, 2007


Happy Pig Year! 新年快乐,万事如意! Some photos taken at home, of beautiful flowers!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Have been wanting to "research" on this dog breed after watching Hana Kimi, now I finally can get down to doing it!

So this dog is a Maremaner, or Maremma Sheepdog !

"The Maremma Sheepdog is a massive, noble distinctive-looking dog with a bear-like head. "

Indeed! My first impression of it! It truly resembles a white bear, and it must be so nice to cuddle and hug!

The Maremma originates from Italy its name comes from the grazing plains in southern Tuscany. It is the best known of the Italian sheepdogs, but rare in places outside Italy. It is a flock-guarding dog.


More info


Woo... so fast, mid-sem break is here, again! I thought school just started?? Hmmm... It always passes very fast.. 1st year wasn't so fast lei.. sigh..

As usual, as I channel-surf & switch to my fav MTV Channel, saw BoA's MV, Brand New Beat. I have never taken notice of her, I know she's super popular, and she's younger than me, and she's a Korean singing Japanese songs, that's all .. After watching that MV, I finally know why. She's not only a pretty , cute little lass, but can dance super well and has a strong voice. Her dance moves are slick and cool, her smile's to die for, her youthfulness and energy.. ha ha.. so here's the MV I saw.. anyone, care to recommend more songs from her?

BoA〃Brand new beat

And as I search youtube for "BoA", I don't know why this video came up. I thought it was sung by BoA, but no, by a Korean singer, MAy. Hmmm still prefer FIR's version much much more ha!

MV May ----- Lydia ( korean version)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Jeong Hoon's new song!

Oh my gosh new song! He's releasing a new Japanese single end of this month... so soon...

Kim Jeong Hoon Sad Song MV [06.02.2007]

Friday, February 02, 2007

February's here!


Yay new MV finally haha... Wow Mayday's back with a new album! And this album seems well-conceptualised? haha.. about 爱`生`死 etc haha... oh etc in Bahasa Indonesia is dll haha... "dan lain lain" so cute..

Bahasa Indonesia's really quite fun and interesting. Actually I think learning languages is really fun. It's really amazing how people can communicate in so many different different types of languages..

But I hope I won't get mixed up! I have always felt that Indonesian/ Malay's a little similar to Japanese haha... the other time said "Saya WA..." ooopss.. "saya" is in Bahasa Indonesia, while WA is for Japanese! haha..

Oh today, I don't know why 心血来潮 decided to bring my dog out for a walk, after so long. I am a truly lazy master - very pai seh, never bring them out for walks one.. Then notti View View barked at a chickem. barked at a baby... sigh...As I could only bring 1 dog, Brownie was so sad when I leashed View and not him..and as we left the house, he barked non-stop sigh...

So fast week 4 has ended, homework's all coming in..But can't wait for CNY hehe..

Saturday, January 27, 2007

random, real random

Aiya random thoughts la!

Firstly, apologies to my friends to have to cancel the session... am having test next week, only found out on thursday.. sigh.. and the tutorial, and the practical reports, and the project...sian... CNY we play k?? got 1 week break lor heee...

And why are we so kiasu people?? Registration starts at 3pm, but at 3.15, half of the 15 groups are full already!! Sad....

And congratulations to you who is getting nearer and nearer to your dream! Ganbatte! I'm sure you can make it! But just have to work real hard...

And Happy Birthday to Marat Safin~ haha...Happy belated Birthday to Kim Jeong Hoon too!

plus some random photos I took when I was studying for exams last year haha...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

the week's learnings

Some things I "learnt" from my friends in school

golden kiwi - 没有毛的 kiwi . It's flesh is golden, when you cut it open, you feel the glare! wooooo....haha..

woooooooo! - an expression of surprise and excitement. can be found in "New Yen's Dictionary and Thesaurus" which will be published in 30000

me - i'm the cause of traffic jams... when i took the MRT, the "traffic was a killer". (sounds familiar?) When I took the bus, the traffic's also a killer. In any case, when my friends are to go home with me around, they will reach home late... Is it really me?? =( haha..

Friday, January 19, 2007

Belated Birthday!

Oh Happy Belated Birthday Jay! Was busy watching Superstar forgot about it haha..

Aiya pardon my fan-girl mode again, it's Jay's birthday on 18 Jan hee.. Actually I had this written quite long ago, when Jay came to Singapore, and when I was in an irrational state, but decided to post it here la, to share my crazy side. So again my double personlaity aye. Again, you must be reading this with your jaws dropped right, those who know me.

龙卷风 (Jay-craze version)
(original Chinese version by Jay Chou)

他是一阵风 吹袭整个亚洲 他的rap 节奏 我还无可奈何
没他的时候 我灵魂是空 晴天不降落 东风也会破

安静 搁浅 忍者 都是他的拿手 好歌 他的黑色幽默就是暗号 (他这样一路漂移也很diao)

wooo 周杰伦来得快就像龙卷风 离不开暴风圈来不及逃
我一直在想 我一我一在想 我一 我一 我一直。。。

周杰伦走得快就像龙卷风 不能承受 我已无处可躲
我还是在想 我还是在想 我还 我还 我还是在想他

不知不觉 他已离开新加坡 不知不觉 我也想跟他走
后之后觉 又过了一个周 后之后觉 我该好好生活

Oh my gosh. As I look back, I can't believe I was so siao back then lo, queueing up just to see glimpses of him, watching Initial D 2/3 times... aiyoyo.. grow up Yen grow up. haha. Trust me, I'm past this stage. I'm just enjoying his music now.