Sunday, March 04, 2007

finally something to update!

haha finally I have someting to update. Went to the Impresario 07 Finals last night, and enjoyed myself! Especially with the fantastic performers/ singers, the hilarious hosts/emcees, the "sang sang jik gi goot" beatboxer and I was most surprised by 张韶涵 Angela Zhang's live performance!

Ooo there's actually a youtube link! Very effecient uploading aye! haha..

watch it here!

I actually liked her when she released her first album! I still remembered I was listening to her album in HMV, and I thought, man I must buy this (but not frmm HMV la haha).I was amazed by the then 20-year-old small-sized pretty lass who had such powerful lungs and clear and strong voice. But subsequently, with songs such as Mama Mama and Pandora, I was irritated by her sharp and act-cute or I thought weird voice and didn't like her. But after last night's live, Woooooo my perception of her turned 180degrees again haha...

I thought her live was much better than her CD, as I could not hear the "sharpness" as present in Meng Li Hua in the album version. Her voice has lots of 穿透力 in my opinion and powerful and well-controlled! Now I know why she won a Best singer or most popular singer award or something haha..

Ok topic change! I think when people keep complaining about pet owners cleaning after their pets, some humans must learn to lcean after themselves too。 Literally, especially in toilets! Experiences of defecating-matter-stained toilet bowls can tell you that. And littering. The pamphlet-flooded-escalator and walkways at the linkway leading to Suntec yesterday..... terrible sight....

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