Thursday, March 29, 2007

song hunting again!

哈!Finally... in 4 scooldays, I have had 4 tests! & I made a super stupid mistake in today's! Can't believe myself... probably need to study primary school again..

Anyway, went song hunting on youtube again! Hope I'm not "taking up" too much of your bandwidth bcos of the numerous videos here! haha.. but that's the only way to recommend songs ma..

2 versions of a very K song! TANKS'S 非你莫属! I was told by my friend that it was written by him for 林依晨 initially, but he sang it too and put it into his own album aha... which version is better again? I think this time I prefer Tank's version hehe...比较有味道!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yuna Ito? Jacky Cheung?

oh! so this is Yuna Ito! Didn't know who she is, but keep seeing people talking about her on forums. She's so pretty la, and has a pretty voice too! Pretty but powerful vocals... so blessed aye..

So the 1st song below, is the original Japanese version of Saya's 想念你的歌 . Which is better? I think both are equally good! And the 2nd song, I kept seeing the MV on TV, & kept wondering who's this pretty girl? So it's her...Oh the band also looks so cool lo.. haha. Think they're called REIRA? At first I thought REIRA was her name la.. ignorant me..

Yuna Ito - Endless Story (Theme Song of Japanese movie Nana)

REIRA staring YUNA ITO - Truth

Saya 想念你的歌

& 张学友's gonna have 3 SHOWS for his concert this July in Singapore! 3 SHOWS@! 13 Jul - 15 Jul 2007 ! GOSH....歌神就是歌神!好厉害哦!

Friday, March 16, 2007

张智成 - 另一把好声音



两年前跟朋友一起去看了他的校园演唱会,“验证”了他的歌唱实力 - 他真的不是盖的!而且又很搞笑,讲话还有马来西亚腔,很可爱!那次的校园演唱会让我重新认识到现在稀有的一把好嗓子!


痊愈 - 张智成 Z Chen


Saturday, March 10, 2007

apa kabar?

Phew! Yet another week of test and project is over! Had our Bahasa Indonesia Cultural Night last night! Quite fun, although had a bit of work to do, and could not walk in the tight costume! The food was nice, like the Tauhu Asli, pisang goreng etc. The singing group was funny, the kulintang people were cool, and the aungklung made me recall my primary school days! The costumes were all very beautiful, the picture taken is with our "Padang bride" haha.. Looks like Chinese wedding costume to me heehee

Ooo have you heard of the news? That Dongli 88.3 FM is going to have a huge revamp! They are now going to play a mixture of English and Chinese songs... wonder how it will turn out! But right now, until 12/3 I think, they have no DJs and no adverts except for the "敬请留意三月十二日” advert so it's Chinese songs all the way! Quite cool..

And now I've caught on the Hana Kimi fever, 秀一好可爱!起初我以为吴尊最 帅,可是现在比较喜欢汪东城了!他表情超丰富的,演戏不错,他一出现我都会想笑,而且觉得他越看越帅, 哈哈!

So here's an MV which he acted with Melody!


Speaking of Tank, I think his songs has lots of hooks. Like 专署天使, 给我你的爱. Quite a talented young lad too!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

finally something to update!

haha finally I have someting to update. Went to the Impresario 07 Finals last night, and enjoyed myself! Especially with the fantastic performers/ singers, the hilarious hosts/emcees, the "sang sang jik gi goot" beatboxer and I was most surprised by 张韶涵 Angela Zhang's live performance!

Ooo there's actually a youtube link! Very effecient uploading aye! haha..

watch it here!

I actually liked her when she released her first album! I still remembered I was listening to her album in HMV, and I thought, man I must buy this (but not frmm HMV la haha).I was amazed by the then 20-year-old small-sized pretty lass who had such powerful lungs and clear and strong voice. But subsequently, with songs such as Mama Mama and Pandora, I was irritated by her sharp and act-cute or I thought weird voice and didn't like her. But after last night's live, Woooooo my perception of her turned 180degrees again haha...

I thought her live was much better than her CD, as I could not hear the "sharpness" as present in Meng Li Hua in the album version. Her voice has lots of 穿透力 in my opinion and powerful and well-controlled! Now I know why she won a Best singer or most popular singer award or something haha..

Ok topic change! I think when people keep complaining about pet owners cleaning after their pets, some humans must learn to lcean after themselves too。 Literally, especially in toilets! Experiences of defecating-matter-stained toilet bowls can tell you that. And littering. The pamphlet-flooded-escalator and walkways at the linkway leading to Suntec yesterday..... terrible sight....