Sunday, April 27, 2008

五月天- 天团不是盖的!

Last night was totally a crazy night. Forgotten that I still have exams in abt 3 days time. Just totally lost in the world of rock and 五月天!

Although I don't know all of their songs, and can't sing without looking at the screen with lyrics, I still enjoyed myself tremendously, as the crowd was super high - when the concert just started, we were already on our feet! And the band is really tight and had lots of 默契!of course the climax was when they ran across the length of the stadium towards the centre stage - right at the centre of the stadium. This was really a treat for those who were sitting right at the back, since now the members were just standing right in front of them! And it was 玛莎's birthday last night, so the whole stadium sang a birthday song for him! and with the cheeky members, they kept saying zhu, zhu, zhu during the last line (which could mean 猪!) HAHA.. and along the run, they often stopped and sang amongst the audience - face-to-face! lucky people sitting in front!

think some memorable moments were 石头 singing a song written for his kid (his voice is good!), the bandmates without 阿信 singing 孙悟空, 阿信 singing 洋葱, 阿信 singing 最重要的小事 with the acoustic guitar, and the band-mates solo! think 怪兽 is my new favourite 吉他手 - really cool man! And of course the very high songs, like 恋爱-ing which got everyone chanting "L-O-V-E" for real long!

Love this few songs - 一千个世纪,离开地球的表面,最重要的小事,倔强,人生海海,疯狂世界,天使 etc etc etc...

although this was my first Mayday concert, it definitely's not going to be my last! hehehe.... looking forward to their new album & Mayday 2009's concert! ZTime for some (lousy-quality) photos and vids...

the CENTRE STAGE at the top!

The beautiful sea of blue - lots of blue lightsticks! (as requested by them)

the band in white!
charismatic 阿信!

beautiful, i thought。

The crowd at the back - whole stadium was standing throughout!
天团 in action!@
the 5 at the centre stage

the last goodbyes - the band and other 幕后工作人员!

the 5 concert-goers!

Friday, April 25, 2008

revision - mayday

must revise ..... mayday's songs!!!! 回到地球表面!!!woohooo....


Friday, April 18, 2008

no more school! =(

Schooling has ended for me! After don't know how many years.. let me think...6 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 16 years of school... mugging.. tests, exam,s lectures, tutorials, projects.. now has come to an end! And I;ll be a 社会人 soon....unbelievable... don't feel like it..

My 4 years in pharmacy school, although had been really not easy, cos so much to study, and school's always been hectic (5-day week very common!), but it's been an experience. And have come to appreciate that so much is done to bring that little pill to the patient.. from lead compounds, drug discovery, pharmaceutical analysis, dosage form design, tabletting, formulation studies, PK studies, clinical trials to patient counselling... wow... the small pill really comes a long way...

And not forgetting the bunch of pharmers, of whom 90% are girls haha... quite a fun, amiable, friendly and cute bunch! heehee..and my "clique", alwayts thinking what to eat even before lecture ends, always eating yong tau foo, drinking milo, and keeping a lookout for the milo van! all the gossips and "hala-ing" during breaks, the cold jokes, the "suan-ings"..haha... thanks friends, for all these memories.. and lab partners as well! apologise for being so slow always was fun working with u guys too!

k really must jia you for this last leg! although i know this is only the beginning, since pre-reg will be much more tough ha...

the 3 sodagreen fans!!!

my patient lab-mate!
the class of pharmacy 08!

nice songs

I finally found the title of this song, which I heard on the TV!!!

黃建為 OVEr the WAY

I thought that it was by an English band, but it's actually by this Taiwanese singer-songwriter, 黃建為! I remembered that he won an award at the 金曲奖,but did't bother finding out who he was.. so now I know.. and also he's slowly being recognised in Sinfgaopre, that's why.. Wednesday's 早报 had him, today's 100。3 talked about him as well... nice nice! quite relaxing, his songs.


another English song

This is by another Taiwanese female singer, please don't be too shocked! i was shocked when I first saw/heard this...the song's catchy though.. the tune..


I believe she's 娃娃 from 自然捲. another nice one...


Monday, April 14, 2008

local musicians..

Check out some of these local singer-songwriters!

Bevlyn Khoo
Active in the wedding performance scene. Sings in Mandarin, English, French...

her website

Malaysian, wrote Jacky Cheung's 黑白画映, Stefanie's 祝你开心。

一人一半 live + half of new song 无家可回

L vs Yutaka?

Wow I'm L! Na.... not as smart as him! haha...

What Death Note Character Are You?
What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime and Fandom

Recently watched Death Note on TV. Quite an extreme story ah.. only interesting character is L, and I thought the wonder so many of my friends like L...

Matsuyama Kenichi 松山ケンイチ - quite cool la, and acted really well as L, but still prefer Takenouchi Yutaka.

Don't you think they look alike? Both have sexy and pouty lips haha..

Sunday, April 06, 2008

So random again

Found this when I was blog browsing haha..

75 words


and here's a pic of me and my poster! the effort of travelling twice to Sunshine Plaza was not wasted, as I won something for the poster competition hehehe...

Here's another pic of my FYP lab-mates and our very important postgrad student, Emily, who helped us so so so so so so much throughout the FYP period. Really really grateful for her, guiding us along, assisting me with the assembly and cleaning of the milling machines, helping me vet through the terribly written and raw reports and basically just seeing us through the whole thing. Without her, I wouldn't have known what it would have been like. Thanks so much Emily! And thanks for the treat at Foster's at well! But I still can't believe 3 of us lost out to u in paying... we were too slow... haha... And thanks to these cute cute FYP lab-mates, Jiayi and Wanyu as well! All the complaints, the whinings during the meetups early in the morning and the staybacks in lab after school... the encouragements and support...We finally finished this!@ heehee...

And these, are pictures of orchids taken at....... Novartis! Saw these pretty orchids at the reception area of Novartis in Tuas. Went for this fieldtrip to the manufacturing company, and got a chance to don the "cleanroom garments" made of Tyvek, and got blown by this super fans & walked through double-lock doors. Got to see the high-shear mixer, blender and the huge IBCs heehee..

And then, AC actually let us see some Parkinson's disease videos from youtube on Friday, and thought it was quite sad... the resting tremors, the shuffling gait, the rigidity, bradykinesia... really affects functioning, and very disturbing or irritating to the patient. And the levodopa-induced dyskinesia was really not a good sight at all as well... really wonder how the patients can cope. think the worst thing about growing old is all the sickness, illness and disease that come along. It's sad.. when you have to 度过晚年 in such a manner. sigh..

Think ah, I better go mug liao... haven'; started for Tuesday's test.. sigh...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Wa! it's been a long time!

Woohooo! although exams n CAs still not over, still feel really really good, as i can finally bid goodbye to FYP! now that it's over, come to think of it, it's really not that bad. It's truly an experience, now I';m glad I got the chance to do FYP, cos all the stuff that I did for FYP, don't think I'll have the chance to "touch" them again in my life, unless, well I research in that area, which I think is impossible as research is not my forte, or unless I join a manufacturing company hehe... well, you never know what will happen right? who knows 10 years down te road i'll be in a herbal company, optimising the milling of herbs! hahahaha....

So, although I was one of the 5 who did not get scheduled to present on Saturday, it was actually a blessing in disguise, aS I had more time to prepare, as well as more time to recover from my potent virus! My potent virus got me really sick for about 1 week plus, everyone's so scared of me, and thinks that they got my potent virus! luckily all the sniffing and coughing's gone! happy hehe..

Nevertheless, while I was in the midst of all the blowing-of-nose and wet-coughing, I actually still attended KT Tunstall's concert in Singapore! All the wrong priorities - didn't attend lecture but attended concert ahha.. but I was sick wat... and paid for concert ticket already.. so go lor! haha... And sure I didn't regret going. She's really a great singer-cum-songwriter-cum-guitarist-cum-entertainer-cum-moodlifter. Think she cured my flu la haha... she's so funny, witty, down-to-earth, and her singing's so fantastic! The music was great, atmosphere superb, audience as cute as she was, and just really fun! Her voice's powerful, but when it comes to the acoustic numbers, her voice's so clear and high registers really resonates. Love the backup singers as well, and the drummer with the , guitarist with the cute mandolin, bassist, trumpet....and finally saw her live having fun with the audio loop! and her guitars were really beautiful too! i think she had 4? 2 electric, 2 acoustic. dam cool! ahah..wonderful night! hope KT comes back again!

So waited for pple to post videos onto youtube and didn't take any, since i was sitting quite far away. no point ma.. fotos didn't turn out well too..

Little Favours

The famous Black Horse and the Cherry Tree with the audio loop!
Full version

one of my favs, and her funny plastic surgery joke haha... Saving my Face

1 great acoustic song - can hear her clear voice. Universe and U

it's different from Sandy Lam's version! Paper Aeroplane

Another of her "theme' song. Other Side of the World

Funny Man
Aiya shall just upload some random fotos. this is like so long ago la.. months ago... when i was writing my FYP report.. sodagreen's autograph session hehe..

k this one not too long ago - just before i fell sick haha... dinner at swensens!

k that's all for updates! looking forward to mayday's concert! woohoo! haha..