Sunday, April 06, 2008

So random again

Found this when I was blog browsing haha..

75 words


and here's a pic of me and my poster! the effort of travelling twice to Sunshine Plaza was not wasted, as I won something for the poster competition hehehe...

Here's another pic of my FYP lab-mates and our very important postgrad student, Emily, who helped us so so so so so so much throughout the FYP period. Really really grateful for her, guiding us along, assisting me with the assembly and cleaning of the milling machines, helping me vet through the terribly written and raw reports and basically just seeing us through the whole thing. Without her, I wouldn't have known what it would have been like. Thanks so much Emily! And thanks for the treat at Foster's at well! But I still can't believe 3 of us lost out to u in paying... we were too slow... haha... And thanks to these cute cute FYP lab-mates, Jiayi and Wanyu as well! All the complaints, the whinings during the meetups early in the morning and the staybacks in lab after school... the encouragements and support...We finally finished this!@ heehee...

And these, are pictures of orchids taken at....... Novartis! Saw these pretty orchids at the reception area of Novartis in Tuas. Went for this fieldtrip to the manufacturing company, and got a chance to don the "cleanroom garments" made of Tyvek, and got blown by this super fans & walked through double-lock doors. Got to see the high-shear mixer, blender and the huge IBCs heehee..

And then, AC actually let us see some Parkinson's disease videos from youtube on Friday, and thought it was quite sad... the resting tremors, the shuffling gait, the rigidity, bradykinesia... really affects functioning, and very disturbing or irritating to the patient. And the levodopa-induced dyskinesia was really not a good sight at all as well... really wonder how the patients can cope. think the worst thing about growing old is all the sickness, illness and disease that come along. It's sad.. when you have to 度过晚年 in such a manner. sigh..

Think ah, I better go mug liao... haven'; started for Tuesday's test.. sigh...

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