Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Wa! it's been a long time!

Woohooo! although exams n CAs still not over, still feel really really good, as i can finally bid goodbye to FYP! now that it's over, come to think of it, it's really not that bad. It's truly an experience, now I';m glad I got the chance to do FYP, cos all the stuff that I did for FYP, don't think I'll have the chance to "touch" them again in my life, unless, well I research in that area, which I think is impossible as research is not my forte, or unless I join a manufacturing company hehe... well, you never know what will happen right? who knows 10 years down te road i'll be in a herbal company, optimising the milling of herbs! hahahaha....

So, although I was one of the 5 who did not get scheduled to present on Saturday, it was actually a blessing in disguise, aS I had more time to prepare, as well as more time to recover from my potent virus! My potent virus got me really sick for about 1 week plus, everyone's so scared of me, and thinks that they got my potent virus! luckily all the sniffing and coughing's gone! happy hehe..

Nevertheless, while I was in the midst of all the blowing-of-nose and wet-coughing, I actually still attended KT Tunstall's concert in Singapore! All the wrong priorities - didn't attend lecture but attended concert ahha.. but I was sick wat... and paid for concert ticket already.. so go lor! haha... And sure I didn't regret going. She's really a great singer-cum-songwriter-cum-guitarist-cum-entertainer-cum-moodlifter. Think she cured my flu la haha... she's so funny, witty, down-to-earth, and her singing's so fantastic! The music was great, atmosphere superb, audience as cute as she was, and just really fun! Her voice's powerful, but when it comes to the acoustic numbers, her voice's so clear and high registers really resonates. Love the backup singers as well, and the drummer with the , guitarist with the cute mandolin, bassist, trumpet....and finally saw her live having fun with the audio loop! and her guitars were really beautiful too! i think she had 4? 2 electric, 2 acoustic. dam cool! ahah..wonderful night! hope KT comes back again!

So waited for pple to post videos onto youtube and didn't take any, since i was sitting quite far away. no point ma.. fotos didn't turn out well too..

Little Favours

The famous Black Horse and the Cherry Tree with the audio loop!
Full version

one of my favs, and her funny plastic surgery joke haha... Saving my Face

1 great acoustic song - can hear her clear voice. Universe and U

it's different from Sandy Lam's version! Paper Aeroplane

Another of her "theme' song. Other Side of the World

Funny Man
Aiya shall just upload some random fotos. this is like so long ago la.. months ago... when i was writing my FYP report.. sodagreen's autograph session hehe..

k this one not too long ago - just before i fell sick haha... dinner at swensens!

k that's all for updates! looking forward to mayday's concert! woohoo! haha..

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