Friday, April 27, 2007


Woohoo! 3 down, 2 more to go! New MV to add ehhe... SHE's new song, with a mixture of 中国风,绕口令 & 嘻哈. Hmmm, my friend who's a huge SHE fan, said she doesn't like this song. I'm OK, but made me think a bit. OK I know they're like doing it cos everyone's doing it now - 中国风 & 嘻哈, 为了迎合市场。But when everyone's rapping and hip-hopping, how can we forget 绕口令, the Chinese tongue-twisters? The tonation, the rhyming, the "scrambling of characters" that give different meanings but yet sound great when linked up... Yeah..

S.H.E 中国话MV

扁担宽 板凳长 扁担想绑在板凳上
哥哥弟弟坡前坐 坡上卧著一只鹅
哥哥说宽宽的河 弟弟说白白的鹅
不知是那鹅过河 还是河渡鹅

Thursday, April 19, 2007

an "eventful" reading week.. but.. consequences??

There's so much to talk about, but I can't stay long... I think this reading week is the "most eventful" of all, and I'm sure the results will tell...I'm not even close to 50% done.. how...

In this 1 reading week, I passed my driving BTT, and watched Phantom of the Opera. Gosh... can't believe it...

Phantom was amazing.. now then I'm feeling it.. can't get enough of Phantom's voice haha...don't mind watching it again you know..although don't quite understand some parts, but it was an enchanting experience. Will talk about it aGAIN after my exams haha..

Here's a link for more info. Friend, can go read haha...

My own enjoyment aside, if you havne't already heard of it, you can now recycle your IT products for free! Organised by HP, just bring your old IT products down to any SingPost outlets!
Click here for more info!

And really shocked by the American Uni killing.. so scary....One South Korean said, if the society had shown more care and concern for such people.. but then again... sigh... the professor who tried to block him off... really brave..

I think ar I better get back to my studies.. I;'m so dead...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

new MV


Interesting song la... wa quite surprised with the middle/interlude portion haha..And gosh the rap... reminds me of the Fergie lo.. weird ha..

And who's this Lollipop.. 棒棒糖。。。

五月天 摩托車日記 MV

Yay finally found this MV! Like this song a lot! The guitars, the banjo, and there's this 12-stringed guitar, don't know what it is but sounds cool (heard this instrument on the keyboard ahha..) all sounds great hahaha..


This's not a new song, and I know they can't sing, but it's catchy haha..

Lifehouse - Blind

An English song haha.. Not new either.. but bought Lifehouse's album the other time cos I thought it's good, and it's good!

sorry for taking up your loading time / bandwidth...too bored....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So fun!

Wa laos... exams in less than 2 weeks' time, but still slacking away... today had a last CA, but last night still went out.. to support my 二姐 at 爱琴海 hehe... so fun! I think they did really well lo... but as usual, the perfectionist thinks it can be better. My friend says that musicians are like that - perfectionist haha...

And so 巧, we actually got to see Geraldine, the campus Superstar's performance with her friend! Cool! haha... They were great! Young, but good! We even took a pic with them hehehe...aiya but I felt so extra in the pic... like 路人甲 like that..

Really nothing much to update, except that I think Stefanie's new album 逆光's quite nice! Never bought her albums before, cos never liked her before. But don't know why this time I quite enjoyed this album. Cos of the "Egypt" hype? Na... should leave it behind already haha.. But I was impressed with the song 逆光. Great song, interesting lyrics and Stefanie sung it very well too. Other songs which left an impression on me are 安宁,咕叽咕叽,梦游,我怀念的 关于。Do visit Chinesemusicblog for a review on this album!

ok la i better go study liao..