Monday, November 12, 2007

苏打绿 - 无与伦比的美丽

天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
我若擔心我不能飛 我有你的草原

嘿 嘿 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
嘿 嘿 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗

天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
你若擔心你不能飛 你有我的蝴蝶

嘿 嘿 你知道當你需要個夏天我會拼了命努力
嘿 嘿 我知道你會做我的掩護 當我是個逃兵

Simple lyrics, simple song (maybe not) but oh so nice....

p.s. my mum still can't believe he's a guy haha...

Friday, November 09, 2007

阿妹 - 我的天后!


阿妹的演唱会超 high 的!五年没见,她的舞台魅力还是依然那么精彩,声音还是 那么的有爆发力!她真的是一个diva!!!

我隐约记得小六的时候就开始看演唱会,(对,我真的很幸运,年纪这么小就有机会看演唱会 - 而且都是姐姐赞助的喔!)第一场印象中应该是阿妹在新加坡的第一场演唱会。从那次以后,我就认定阿妹是我的偶像,我的最佳演绎具舞台魅力女歌手!从此,她在新加坡的每一场演唱会我都有去。(加上昨晚的,应该是有4场了吧!)还记得有一年是在国家体育场,从来没有亚洲艺人在新加坡体育场办过演唱会!虽然那次她好像蚂蚁一样小(因为坐很远!),但是我还是超享受的!



演唱会从8.20持续到将近凌晨12! 演唱会开始前,我跟大姐还在排队上厕所,后来听到大家的欢呼声,没想到演唱会这么早就要开始了!真的蛮好笑的,在排队的女生有些干脆不上厕所就跑回去了。。。


她的头发剪到好短喔,但很好看!而且她一直拨弄头发,真好笑!可能不习惯吧。。。他的服装呢, 就每一件都是闪闪的,我都觉得很好看!那件红色星星的最特别!


她演唱了很多经典歌曲,而且几乎每首歌都是大合唱,因为全场的观众都一起唱得很大声!记得,听海,原来你什么都不要,我恨我爱你,剪爱,真实,我要快乐,别在伤口洒盐,让每个人都心碎,蓝天,A级娱乐,了不起,high high high,发烧,火,bad boy,不顾一切,are you ready,牵手等等....新歌包括维多利亚的秘密,你爱我的,夏天的浪花,也当然少不了如果你也听说。我觉得这首歌她唱得最有感觉。。。本来我不喜欢“夏天的浪花”,因为觉得很台,但在演唱会上一起唱真的很好玩,尤其是副歌的部分,哈哈。。。

其中有一段是怀念张雨声的,她唱了“最爱的人上我最深”的另一个版本,还有对唱的版本,最后一句还和雨生合唱。。。她还清唱了“天天想你”。最喜欢的还是“后知后觉”, 超感人的!真让我听出耳油!可惜她没唱“没有烟抽的日子”。。。

最后一段,她只穿了黑t-shirt 配牛仔裤,现场秀了秀她的吉他功力,自弹自唱了“爱是唯一”和解脱。

encore的时候就唱了姐妹,三天三夜,给我感觉,我要飞。她还故意让每个音乐家唱一句“姐妹”,超好笑的!他们都超棒的,记得有一段Jamie Wilson 还躺在地上猛烈的刷电吉他!说到音乐家,大多数都是来自新加坡喔,好骄傲哦!吴庆龙又出现了,而且是音乐总监吧。。。太厉害了。。。阿妹就是特地要整他的,让他开金口唱一句。。。

好了,不写了,二姐在取笑我,说我很会编故事。这不是故事好不好,是我的真正感想。。。 哈哈哈。。。


photos taken by my sisters@! haha.... quite good ah!

and some videos taken.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Happy Deepavali! 等了好久的公共假期!

Presentation down, last dispensing practical down, still got 2CAs next week.. but don't care looking forward to A-mei's concert!

And just received Jay's album. After resisting all those online listens, downloads etc... just prefer to listen ti the real thing haha.... however, no feeling at all, after the 1st "scan-through". Now giving it a 2nd listen.

I'm not happy with the recycling of the OST songs... although they are nice, but it just shows his insincerity.

Shall give a review soon...

Meanwhile, go view live performance of sodagreen's new song! Very clean-cut - just vocals with piano!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

nice songs!

Today, these 2 songs kept playing in my head.

梁静茹 - 崇拜

作词:陈没 作曲:彭学斌 编曲:陈建骐

你的姿态 你的青睐 我存在在你的存在
你以为爱 就是被爱 你挥霍了我的崇拜

我活了 我爱了 我都不管了 心爱到疯了恨到酸了就好了
可能的 可以的 真的可惜了 幸福好不容易的怎么你却不敢了呢

我还以为我们能 不同于与别人
我还以为不可能的 不会不可能

风筝有风 海豚有海 我存在在我的存在
所以明白 所以离开 所以不再为爱而爱
自己存在 在你之外

I think the lyrics dam nice... and sad, but the last stanza gives the person strength.

潘嘉丽 - 完美的默契

Quite like the melody, especially the 编曲...

and this song caught my attention, cause I'm a 左撇子! haha... Interesting lyrics by 小寒 though! And this song seems to have a strong local flavour... Indeed! Composed by Tanya! ahaha...

作詞:小寒 作曲:蔡健雅 編曲/製作:Tlm Productions

寫給你 我自己 我用我左手潦草字跡 擁抱你
想和你 在一起 冷冰冰地思考邏輯 是多餘

#感情的左撇子 愛你的我不理智
左邊的無名指 我渴望是 你最後 決定隱居的地址
左偏的心從此將我管制 不曾停止

找給你 我自己 我用不假思索的語氣 形容你
想要你 想要你溫習 兩個人最赤裸的情緒 別忘記

Friday, November 02, 2007


I usually don't like to complain, especially on this blog, since I try to use this blog to share what I like, what I'm happy about etc... but everytime I look at my new thumbdrive, I jsut had to think of it again...

I've seen one of human's ugly side on Wed. And it had to be from university students. I can't believe Uni students would still be so dishonest, after all the education they have been put through.

I left my thumbdrive in Central library after working on some stuff. And I lost it forever. Went back on Wed night to look for it, went to Lost and Found display cabinet but still no sign of my thumbdrive. Wasted time, money and sweat. I was utterly disappointed and angry at the same time.

NVm abt the thumbdrive. But the data inside. It was full of schoolwork, data and especially FYP data. The person who didn't hand it over to librarians or lost and found counter and decide to use the thumbdrive as his/her own, YOU ARE INHUMAN! what if the original owner didn't had a backup??? then all hard work gone?? sickening man.... why can't just pass over to lost and found counter.... u want thumbdrive, go get your own la! shit man...

OK i promised myself to get over it.. luckily i had backup. if not i sure cry until faint.... better backup in more places - CDRom, hard disk, thumbdrive, online storage... must be more kiasu

good man...

881 LIVE PART 6 - 代替 by 林倛玉 posted by eriol125

林倛玉, aka, 林毅心. He's dam good! His voice, his talent, everything.... hehe....

梦飞船 on a previously-aired music show in Sg. They sang 天天好心情,等着你回来 and 不值得 (my fav & a lot of other people's fave) . Dam good la! Why they disband... so wasted...think they came out at the wrong time...