Saturday, January 27, 2007

random, real random

Aiya random thoughts la!

Firstly, apologies to my friends to have to cancel the session... am having test next week, only found out on thursday.. sigh.. and the tutorial, and the practical reports, and the project...sian... CNY we play k?? got 1 week break lor heee...

And why are we so kiasu people?? Registration starts at 3pm, but at 3.15, half of the 15 groups are full already!! Sad....

And congratulations to you who is getting nearer and nearer to your dream! Ganbatte! I'm sure you can make it! But just have to work real hard...

And Happy Birthday to Marat Safin~ haha...Happy belated Birthday to Kim Jeong Hoon too!

plus some random photos I took when I was studying for exams last year haha...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

the week's learnings

Some things I "learnt" from my friends in school

golden kiwi - 没有毛的 kiwi . It's flesh is golden, when you cut it open, you feel the glare! wooooo....haha..

woooooooo! - an expression of surprise and excitement. can be found in "New Yen's Dictionary and Thesaurus" which will be published in 30000

me - i'm the cause of traffic jams... when i took the MRT, the "traffic was a killer". (sounds familiar?) When I took the bus, the traffic's also a killer. In any case, when my friends are to go home with me around, they will reach home late... Is it really me?? =( haha..

Friday, January 19, 2007

Belated Birthday!

Oh Happy Belated Birthday Jay! Was busy watching Superstar forgot about it haha..

Aiya pardon my fan-girl mode again, it's Jay's birthday on 18 Jan hee.. Actually I had this written quite long ago, when Jay came to Singapore, and when I was in an irrational state, but decided to post it here la, to share my crazy side. So again my double personlaity aye. Again, you must be reading this with your jaws dropped right, those who know me.

龙卷风 (Jay-craze version)
(original Chinese version by Jay Chou)

他是一阵风 吹袭整个亚洲 他的rap 节奏 我还无可奈何
没他的时候 我灵魂是空 晴天不降落 东风也会破

安静 搁浅 忍者 都是他的拿手 好歌 他的黑色幽默就是暗号 (他这样一路漂移也很diao)

wooo 周杰伦来得快就像龙卷风 离不开暴风圈来不及逃
我一直在想 我一我一在想 我一 我一 我一直。。。

周杰伦走得快就像龙卷风 不能承受 我已无处可躲
我还是在想 我还是在想 我还 我还 我还是在想他

不知不觉 他已离开新加坡 不知不觉 我也想跟他走
后之后觉 又过了一个周 后之后觉 我该好好生活

Oh my gosh. As I look back, I can't believe I was so siao back then lo, queueing up just to see glimpses of him, watching Initial D 2/3 times... aiyoyo.. grow up Yen grow up. haha. Trust me, I'm past this stage. I'm just enjoying his music now.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

i just slacked the day away

I love 4 day weeks! But I just slept my day away.. oops.. too lazy to "touch" my school stuff, such as practicals, notes, projects...

And now my nights are spent on watching tv. Tonight's Superstar.. hmmm still prefer Kelly and Xinhui. Anyway I still prefer last year's.. more exciting. This year's one a bit boring, and there's no particular one that I really like. I don't like Darren's face! Darren ruined Ju Hua Tai.. even the lyrics are wrong lo.. "ju hua can man di shang" he sang as "ju hua can nan di shang" oops.. the whole feel is gone.

I'm sorry if my blog's all about those showbiz and music stuff haha..cos I really have nothing much to say about my daily life.

Ooo I realised I haven't talked about my beloved dogs, Brownie and View View yet. I think with these 2 dogs, my life has more entertainment haha

So obviously the brown one's Brownie and the black and white one is View, the old auntie.

Notice how her face changes - from black to black with white hair! She's old aye!

And Brownie's pics, can be seen in the sidebar. That was taken with the 6-shot mode with my phone last time, so I made it into a mini animation haha... He was biting his favourite stick.
Shall talk more about them next time. Bye!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

苏打绿 Soda Green! interesting Taiwanese band!

苏打绿 - 小宇宙

左手边 有个年轻人插队 看一眼 看一眼 眼神充满不屑
电扶梯 一对情侣相依偎 你看我 我看你 挡在走道左边
右手边 一个妇人丢纸屑 走向前 走向前 好像没有不对
公车站 车门停在我面前 挤向前 挤向前 把我挤回路边

卖衣服的店员态度就好像 我花钱 我花钱 只是买她臭脸
不太熟的朋友靠近我身边 他的嘴 他的脸 充满世故气味

为何这城市为所欲为 我只要 只属于我的宇宙

给自己一些从来没有过的 宁静快乐季节
已老去的岁月化成蝴蝶 都飞翔在我的房间
向时间交换来的新语言 和心上的山水说声谢谢
面对着那些不美的世界 都不想不去挂念

左手边 车水马龙吐着烟 压过线 闯过街 直到我看不见
右手边 充满暴躁的情节 一支笔 一条线 通通划下句点

啊……回到我的世界 啊……无谓的事都走远

左手边窗帘拉开了一些 我的房间我的身边多了一些光线
一瞬间瞳孔缩小了一些 我的房间我的身边充满鲜艳蓝天
右手边音乐放大了一些 我的房间我的身边多了一些气味
一瞬间心门拉开了一些 我的房间我的身边充满想像空间

Saw this band's MV in MTV channel few months ago. I thought.. aiya not another 五月天wanna-be. Actually not exactly la, the lead vocalist's voice is already so different from 阿信。 He's so high-pitched! gosh... and his falsettos are nicely sung man...

Didn't hear of them until the Faith Yang's new album. Then last night after I posted my review of Faith Yang's album, I went to search online on 苏打绿. Well, their homepage is down.. sadly.. but managed to find out a little bit about them - an indie underground band formed in their uni schooling days, they won some awards in some songwriting competition, and have since released 2 albums, the 2nd one being 小宇宙. So with their website down, of course I have youtube! Desperately finding ways to listen to their songs.. but everything's just so slow! Must complain to singnet haha..

G-music's page on Soda Green

Other songs:

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ice Queen - Faith Yang, 杨乃文

I posted her MV in a previous post, and she has finally released a new album titled 女爵,"Continuation" after 5 long years! I like her new album a lot!

She is Faith Yang, 杨乃文, a Taiwanese singer very different from your usual sacharrine sweet Taiwanese girls. She's cool, and so cold, I think she's like an Ice Queen. Years ago, I watched her receive an award at a Taiwan music awards cereomony, and she only said 2 words, “谢谢。”and left the stage. I was so shocked...

I feel that her voice is just like her, so cold, so distant, but yet there's something that attracts me to her, that I want to listen to her sing. I think it's just like the line in her song, 女爵, “一颗热的心,穿着冰冷外衣

Anyway, I think her album is more of alternative rock.( Not so sure though), but there are no sweet lovey-dovey mid-tempo songs, more slow rock ballads, and some pop-rock,folk-rock. Love her singing style, and in the English song written by herself, "Be In Love", she sounded a tiny bit like Sarah Mclachlan

the 主打歌, 女爵 is written by the lead vocalist of an up-and-coming band, Soda Green (苏打绿). (Another interesting band, with the lead vocalist's high-pitched voice haha..)I read somewhere that this Greeny Wu (haha... the lead vocalist) wrote this song with Faith in mind, and I think it's quite apt

I especially like the ballad with only a single piano accompaniment, 我离开我自己. Faith sang it with so much feeling, can feel the helplessness, emptiness and loneliness. 像倦鸟归去留下的空寂,安安静静
Watch video

分开,written by 黄韵仁, interesting lyrics by 冷玩妹(Coldplay Sister! haha).
read somewhere that this line is nicely written because superstitious people relate to 伞, 散(break-ups).

多想钻进你的脑袋,待上几天或许我就会明白。。。 / 多项研究我们的早餐,什么成份当时会那么快乐。。。Watch video

微笑着挥手 is another sad song.. 连说再见,我都要为难我自己,留微笑给你

The fast-tempo song 电视机 is another interesting one written by this interestingly-named band, Convenient Store haha...the lyrics expound on the wonders of TV, and how we like the tv so much haha..
Watch video

I like this stanza haha..
昨天我还站在寒冷的北极, 转眼间就到了热带雨林
买东西不能信还有 BBC, 暴风雨带来了宇宙的消息

Another song that caught my attention was 继续. It actually had a扬琴 accompaniment! I thought it was a banjo haha.. Interesting combination. She also caught on the 中国风 ? haha<

Lastly, the English song, Be In Love's really a surprise. Her singing actually exudes some kind of sexiness. Even the music arrangement's quite fresh..

And there's actually a hidden track, 女爵,宫廷版. There's actually a trumpet solo in the interlude.. quite cute haha.. It took about 8 more mins to appear haha..Prefer the original version

Oh no another long review.,.. but I'm glad that the Chinese music scene actually has some non-mainstream singers like her. Her voice's simply unique, and her music great!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Curse of the Golden Flowers - tragedy!

I just watched Curse of the Golden Flowers - 满城尽带黄金甲. Yay finally can remember the long Chinese title haha..

Mixed feelings! Thought there was no point, not much storyline, but at least it was a bit more entertaining than 夜宴 which I couldn't really understand.

And of course there was Jay Chou! I don't like him in 古装 lo.. his eyes so small haha.. but he looks so cute...and I think he has the 古代 look lei..But I have to admit.. his acting... er... still needs a lot more improvement, even though he shedded tears, and displayed his heroic self during the battle scenes, showing more angsty facial expressions haha.. But come on la, with Gong Li shedding so much more tears in front of you, surely we will get into the feel of things right? haha..

Gong Li.. I think she and Zhou Runfa are really - 姜还是老的辣. Very good acting..They are the soul of the movie I think..Gong Li, can feel her emotions, and Zhou Runfa - his smirkiness when she had to drink the so-called medicine, his wrath when he tossed away the 龙袍 and his crown flew I was amazed by the 2 of them. As for the 太子 - wa can't stand his face...

I think the movie touched quite a bit on Confucianism haha.. my module put to good use, can understand a little.. the social hierarchy, like everyone has a fixed role to play, 君臣父子, father-son relationship, the order of all things etc etc.. but this Emperor is too obssessed with it.. the rites and rituals, everything must 守规矩 blah blah..
The show I think also has quite a bit of irony - 华丽宫廷里的腐败皇室家庭

Actually I thought it has some similarities to 夜宴:
1) the 太子 who is not very interested in becoming king
2) the relationship between the Empress and the 太子
3) the Emperor, who is supposed to be almighty, fails in the handling of domestic affairs
4) the "ruthless" Empress
5) the "innocent" 宫女 (er....)
6) everyone dies!
7) one word - TRAGEDY!

Anyway, I think the costumes were really beautiful. But I thought the setting was too elaborate.. like too 夸张. And the cleavage, a bit 倒胃 lei haha.. I don't believe Tang dynasty women were like that lei..

AnywaY,after watching the show, I love 菊花台 even more! I think it suited the movie to the core! Once the intro of the song started playing at the end, my eyes welled up with tears haha..really tragic story..

你的泪光 柔弱中带伤 惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往
夜太漫长 凝结成了霜 是谁在阁楼上冰冷地绝望

雨轻轻弹 朱红色的窗 我一生在纸上 被风吹乱
梦在远方 化成一缕香 随风飘散 你的模样

菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄
花落人断肠 我心事静静躺
北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断

花已向晚 飘落了灿烂 凋谢的世道上 命运不堪
愁莫渡江 秋心拆两半 怕你上不了岸一辈子摇晃

谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱 我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑
天微微亮 你轻声的叹 一夜惆怅如此委婉

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yul's necklace!

Lee Yul's necklace is so nice!

According to Tiffany and Co, it is a "Tiffany Feathers lariat necklace. Eighteen karat white gold, 50" long."

There's one on Yahoo! auctions though haha.. bid price S$29.90..I tried to search for a fake one in Hong Kong's Loi Yan Gai, but can't find.. so sad..

Saturday, January 06, 2007


My heart tells me - 请你跟我走吧...

So have I decided? I hope so.. Let's just see how the bid points go tomorrow. Show hand ah! Then can don't worry anymore..

Friday, January 05, 2007

new start - change of blogskin !

found this skin quite some time back, but i thought daisies not related to green hills, so didn't use. but decided to use it again, as i like the layout. moreover when i tried to edit the skin to change to pictures of hills, it didn't turn out as nice, so i just use daisies la haha...

these days trying to find my last module to take. so happened this year can finally have a 4-day week, but bcos of the last module, my only free day has to be taken up by a toopid elective. still deciding between bahasa indonesia or old and new music of SEA.. sigh..

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow can't believe it. 2006 just wheezed past like that. And 2007 is here! Why is time passing faster and faster and faster? I can't really remember how my 2006 was like, except maybe preceptorship @ Guardian & the weekful of tests? Wow come to think of me my life's pretty boring aye..maybe i should spice up my life in 2007? haha..

But 2006 had a few songs which made me sat up and listen real hard.

Most "Wow" factor - Jay Chou - 迷迭香 (Rosemary)

Most "soothing" - David Tao - Olia

Most "Woohoo" factor - Muse - Supermassive Blackhole (or something like that)

Most "K (karaoke)" song - A-Mei - 所以我愿意

the "girl" song - Liang Jingru & Chen Qizhen - 小心眼

Most touching - Tong En - 不准哭

The cutest - S.H.E. - 怎么办

Most "high" factor - F.I.R. - 1234567 / 飞行部落

Most "dancey" song - Juanes - La Camisa Negra

Most "rolling-green-hill-feel" song - The Corrs - Brid Og Ni Mhaille

the only Korean album - Kim Jeong Hoon - Best Album

the last album bought in 2006 - True Colours from Hong Kong!

the most anticipated album - Faith Yang 杨乃文 - 女爵