Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

OMG! Mid sem break's here....

Can't believe it! Mid sem break's here! I thought school just started....Been really busy, and sleeping late - never slept before 1am these 6 weeks... other people's last year in school so "eng" one, not like us pharmers... think 4th year is the worst.. and somemore must learn to be independent, cos of FYP. so scary.. but quite interesting, and quite good la, learn to learn, not just be spoon-fed all the time haha..

That's a picture of what I have been working with, and breathing in... from China one lei.. for the past 1-2 weeks have been milling/ grinding them down - so much dust breathed in! a bit worried... but since it's a herb, should be beneficial? haha i don't know lei.. But my lab coat's so dirty lor... like underwent some "sandstorm" haha..

DOn't think it';s just some ordinary bark k, has medicinal properties one...It's called 厚朴. It is a "wind-dispelling" herb, for gut problems heehee... But that's not the main topic of my project. Hard to describe wat my project really is about la haha..
Recently, radio keeps playing this song, and it's "hook-y".

月牙湾 - F.I.R.

Ooooo.... so pretty... both the lady and the scenery, and the voice... haha....

Sunday, September 16, 2007


今天在晚报上看到这则新闻, 就是陈绮贞欢迎大家点唱喜欢的歌,让她在演唱会上唱!从以下8首歌曲选出最想听的,然后把选择电邮(或传真 (62816533)到新加坡滚石唱片!

After 17


Friday, September 14, 2007

songs and thoughts

Just wanna share what "new" songs recently I found that are nice..

范玮琪 - 哲学家

温岚 - 傻瓜

Why must she always 牺牲 so much for MVs? or is it 赚到? haha...


no video - just a preview of their new song - F.I.R. - 月牙湾

Anyway, just had a CA this afternoon, and it was horrible. Hope can pass... Anyway, I learnt that time management's truly very important in final year, especially with FYP. It's so scary..

Talking about scary, the tremors yesterday were really scary... For the first time in my life, I actually felt the earth and myself shake - I thought I was dizzy, but it really shook! It was such a small tremor here and already I felt so scared with goosebumps popping up, I really can't imagine how the people at the scene itself felt... I feel that recently there has been lots of natural disasters... very scary...

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Woohoo! can't wait for sodagreen's 3rd album!!!

click here!

So exciting! And if u have cable, do catch them this Sat 8/9 at 10pm on channel 49 on 娱乐@亚洲. donno local TV is live or not.

btw this is my 100th post! wow have come a long way ahhaha..

Sunday, September 02, 2007

relax time!

Taking a break from my FYP research proposal...

After ranting on and on about Jay and his talent, it's only fair that I share with you the talents of others haha..

Jay Chou- Ke Ai Nu Ren (Piano Version)

Ju Hua Tai (Jay Chou) Cover for Cello and Piano

Change of genre haha/..

Irish Flute + Tin Whistle & Guitar

If you've got time, check out other videos of Tinwhistler. He and his brother are so cool!