Thursday, April 19, 2007

an "eventful" reading week.. but.. consequences??

There's so much to talk about, but I can't stay long... I think this reading week is the "most eventful" of all, and I'm sure the results will tell...I'm not even close to 50% done.. how...

In this 1 reading week, I passed my driving BTT, and watched Phantom of the Opera. Gosh... can't believe it...

Phantom was amazing.. now then I'm feeling it.. can't get enough of Phantom's voice haha...don't mind watching it again you know..although don't quite understand some parts, but it was an enchanting experience. Will talk about it aGAIN after my exams haha..

Here's a link for more info. Friend, can go read haha...

My own enjoyment aside, if you havne't already heard of it, you can now recycle your IT products for free! Organised by HP, just bring your old IT products down to any SingPost outlets!
Click here for more info!

And really shocked by the American Uni killing.. so scary....One South Korean said, if the society had shown more care and concern for such people.. but then again... sigh... the professor who tried to block him off... really brave..

I think ar I better get back to my studies.. I;'m so dead...

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