Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So fun!

Wa laos... exams in less than 2 weeks' time, but still slacking away... today had a last CA, but last night still went out.. to support my 二姐 at 爱琴海 hehe... so fun! I think they did really well lo... but as usual, the perfectionist thinks it can be better. My friend says that musicians are like that - perfectionist haha...

And so 巧, we actually got to see Geraldine, the campus Superstar's performance with her friend! Cool! haha... They were great! Young, but good! We even took a pic with them hehehe...aiya but I felt so extra in the pic... like 路人甲 like that..

Really nothing much to update, except that I think Stefanie's new album 逆光's quite nice! Never bought her albums before, cos never liked her before. But don't know why this time I quite enjoyed this album. Cos of the "Egypt" hype? Na... should leave it behind already haha.. But I was impressed with the song 逆光. Great song, interesting lyrics and Stefanie sung it very well too. Other songs which left an impression on me are 安宁,咕叽咕叽,梦游,我怀念的 关于。Do visit Chinesemusicblog for a review on this album!

ok la i better go study liao..

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