Friday, April 18, 2008

no more school! =(

Schooling has ended for me! After don't know how many years.. let me think...6 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 16 years of school... mugging.. tests, exam,s lectures, tutorials, projects.. now has come to an end! And I;ll be a 社会人 soon....unbelievable... don't feel like it..

My 4 years in pharmacy school, although had been really not easy, cos so much to study, and school's always been hectic (5-day week very common!), but it's been an experience. And have come to appreciate that so much is done to bring that little pill to the patient.. from lead compounds, drug discovery, pharmaceutical analysis, dosage form design, tabletting, formulation studies, PK studies, clinical trials to patient counselling... wow... the small pill really comes a long way...

And not forgetting the bunch of pharmers, of whom 90% are girls haha... quite a fun, amiable, friendly and cute bunch! heehee..and my "clique", alwayts thinking what to eat even before lecture ends, always eating yong tau foo, drinking milo, and keeping a lookout for the milo van! all the gossips and "hala-ing" during breaks, the cold jokes, the "suan-ings"..haha... thanks friends, for all these memories.. and lab partners as well! apologise for being so slow always was fun working with u guys too!

k really must jia you for this last leg! although i know this is only the beginning, since pre-reg will be much more tough ha...

the 3 sodagreen fans!!!

my patient lab-mate!
the class of pharmacy 08!

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