Saturday, October 27, 2007


Oooohooo! Jay's 2nd 主打歌!According to, it's actually a song, First Kiss from the Secret OST. 为什么我没有印象嘞?But I think it's so unlike Jay also...It sounds very familiar, but can't recall anyone or any song. Definitely not Jay-ish to me...hmmmm... but nice...the rap in the middle is Jay already. Yay... haha...

But please I hope he doesn't recycle all the tunes from the Secret OST! That would show that he's very insincere!

周杰伦 - 彩虹(Jay Chou - Rainbow/Cai Hong) w/LYRICS

And while youtubing his song, found this song also from Secret OST, and the cute singer is rumoured to be with Jay. Ahyo, so pretty and cute, Jay 会被电到吧?哈哈。。。

周杰伦词曲主阵 江语晨《晴天娃娃》

Ahya might as well 一次过 post what stuff I've found these few days. Kept seeing her name appear, didn't know who she was nor heard her songs, so I youtube-ed her name la, and now thinks she's dam cool.... She's not exactly pretty, but she has that kind of "sei", the style, attitude. And her voice's warm and strong. I like! She's KT Tunstall, a Scottish singer-songwriter.

And I think the kind of looping system she often uses in her live performance is dam cool la. Suaku me didn't know such stuff existed.

KT Tunstall - Black Horse And The Cherry Tree

KT Tunstall If Only Acoustic

Other Side of the World MV

Oh then ah, today when I was on the bus, I saw something that is usually not seen one in Singapore. There was this man who kept bending down when standing, I thought he has some muscle weakness or something, or that he fell asleep, but it wasn't. It was a conscious effort in the bending. Then a few people, a girl, and a beng-looking man, and me of course, kept looking at him. The girl, like me, was smiling to ourselves, cos don't know what he was doing. Maybe he was exercising or something. Then finally, the beng-looking man asked if he was OK, and he said it was cos of his foot or something. (I was listening to music, didn't hear their conversation.) But then later they actually had a friendly conversation.'s quite rare for me lor, this sight. Everyday, when we board the bus or MRT, everyone looks so glum and are so abosrbed in their own world. When would you see strangers striking up a conversation? haha...then they even "grabbed hands", like best buddy like that haha... so cute...and secondly, the beng-looking man isn't that beng afterall... do not judge a book by its cover.

K la, better get back to proper work...

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