Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hana Kimi Japanese

Just finished watching Hana Kimi Japanese version in 3 nights. I'm so slow la, it's already been out for abt a year... now then watch. But enjoyed it a lot! 12 episodes only so not as draggy as teh Taiwanese version. I laughed so much while watching, esp the squabbles between the 3 dormitories, the confusion of Nakatsu Shuichi as to whether he's homo or not etc..and the Ou Yang Fei Fei part...wa.... can't believe it haha...Plus the cast all quite good-looking one. And supporting cast is really funny too!
The character played by Ella, the Japanese version girl,Horikita Maki, is more girl-ly, and very pretty! AS for the character played by 汪东城, the Japanese version played by Ikuta Toma is very funny and cute too, but less exaggerated ... as for Wuzun's character, played by Oguri Shun (who acted as 花泽类 in Hana Yori Dango), not bad la, quite cool also, and prob more manly? haha..

The one thing I like about Japanese dramas is they always touch more about the "humanity" side, the relationships between people, between a team etc.. always seem more touching and meaningful to me. Less romance and wishy-washiness as compared to the Taiwanese dramas.

Nice nice! Can't wait to watch the special episode!
a youtube link

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