Monday, June 09, 2008


Am in a 哈日 mood this holiday. Been busy watching J-doramas, to catch up all the lost times during school ha...

Finished 3 dramas in 1 week - Hana Kimi, Nobuta wo Produce, Gokusen. Ya all quite old but nice shows lei... with nice cast too. Now in the midst of watching Hachimitsu to Clover (Honey and Clover) with Ikuta Toma in it, and gasp, Takashi Kashiwabara! I couldn't recognise him at all, until the 6th episode, even though I saw his name in the credits! gosh... he's so different now! Still remember his movie "Love Letter" and drama "Itazura no Kiss" left a deep impression on me (12 years ago!). Now he's only a supporting actor.. but oh well!

Honey and Clover - talks about the lives of 5 university students, their friendship and of course complicated romantic relationships. hmmm don't know how to describe it. There are moments of laughter and moments of sadness here and there, and it may be a little slow (pauses and hesitation), but it's still a beautiful drama - 唯美的作品。Also, the cast is good-looking lei. The girl, Hagumi, is really beautiful! Utsukushii desune! Super charming! haha.. of course not forgetting Ikuta Toma - cute!
Nobuta wo Produce - about these 2 guys with contrasting personalities and popularity in school who make a pact to a transform this transfer student who's being bullied by everyone in school into the most popular person - "produce nobuta". It was supposed to be a secret between the 3 of them, holding meetings at the school rooftop or Kusano's place, and in school they had to pretend they were not friends with one another, but throughout their remaining high school years, their friendship grew stronger, and they too helped each other to grow. Akira, played by Yamashita Tomohisa, was an eccentric and unpopular guy. Shuji (Kazuya Kamenashi ) was popular with everyone in school but was only playing his part in this "game". Nobuta (Horikita Maki - the girl in Hana Kimi!) is a little freaky and extremely quiet, and allowed herself to be bullied.
May have the elements of a typical high school drama, but it's deeper than that. That's much more meaning to it - the meaning of youth, friendship, life's just a game, only people can save people... blah blah...nice! And I thought the cast did a great job too! The eccentric Yamapi who can get serious if he wants to, the mysterious and low-self-esteemed Maki who slowly opened up to the 2 guys and who really has her "kokoro" in the right place (love the haunted house part - the haunted house that left the people who entered feeling really moved when they exited), and the "overly-matured" Shuji who puts on a mask to meet people, but actually loves people, loves his friends. Interesting drama la.
Lastly, Gokusen I. Again, typical high school setting, with rebellious students and a passionate teacher, but with a yakuza background. May be exaggerated at times, but it's funny, especially when Yankumi switches to her yakuza self haha.. but it's really touching when she goes all out to help her "precious" 3D students who are often misunderstood by everyone, and at the same time shape them and help them to grow. Yankumi's so cute, I too wish I have a teacher like her. Sawada Shin (Matsumoto Jun) was quite cool!
Hope to watch Gokusen III soon! This time, the notti student leader is Miura Haruma...who also starred in this MV. 帅!
ゆず 「うまく言えない」 Yuzu - Umakuienai (Can't Say it Out)
Wa that's all for my 哈日 post!

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