Monday, October 23, 2006

力宏- 我的梦中情人

Huh! Finally.. the crazy weekend is over.. week of terrible tests & lousy essay writing.. now can at least relax a bit. So finally can post my thoughts on Lee Hom's fabulous concert!!

Lee Hom's so 帅, so extremely talented, & so cute on stage, n he has such a great & deep & clean voice!! His singing would have been perfect if not for some very minor glitches, like in Kiss Goodbye, he didn't start on beat! My sis n i were so shocked.. probably he was too nervous.. cos he dedicated the song to Kit Chan, whom he said he usd to have a crush on! So cute! Kit's really good la, so proud of her! Imagine - Lee Hom having a crush! I love his singing! Full of emotions & yet strong. Love his falsettos & mid-range tones..

He started off with 盖世英雄 wearing a golden shimmering 马褂 & straightaway he played on the electric guitar! & 放开你的心 - he played the electronic keyboard - the interlude part! 帅!Then continued with his 经典- 爱你等于爱自己, 公转自转 & 爱的就是你! Nice! So charming! when he sang 爱的就是你. After a break, he sang a medley of songs & danced! Hot man...I thought his dancing was good! At least better than Jay hahaha..To think Straits Times only gave him a "passable".. humph!

Think I still prefer him singing ballads - Kiss Goodbye, Forever Love, 流泪手心 etc..too bad he didn't sing 你不在..& loved his older songs also..his rap songs, ok la. at least he raps well! ha..
OOO my sis & I loved the unplugged session too! 3 guitarists sitting down, & Lee Hom on guitar too. He got everyone to sing 不要害怕 together, & it was such a great feeling! 大城小爱 was damn nice too! acoustic version - 赞!The unplugged version of Follow Me & W-H-Y was great too! Very different!

Soon after displaying his talents on the guitar, he played on the black grand piano! Wa lao! Damn charming lor.. 一首简单的歌 - so heartwarming,流泪手心 -so touching,& a Lovex3 - so jazzy!

& even the piano's not enough .. straight away he got someone carrying a drum to him, & they walked to the centre of the stage while he plays, & slowly the drums set gets assembled, so he's on the drums the next moment! How cool can he be?!

I think I love him on the violin the best. When he played a solo piece, a movie theme "Cinema Paradiso", I had tears welling up - it was a truly touching & emtional song. He put in so much emotions he closed his eyes throughout, & his facial expressions truly revealed his passion n love for music. Of course, with the violin, how can he forget Julia?? Love this upbeat song so much..

Finally, in the "Chincked-Out" section, he sang all the Lee Hom 中国风 songs. Loved the 转音 in 花田错。As he sang 在那遥远的地方, he went to a platform, to 拉二胡。So haunting & beautiful..It seems as though he's been playing it all his life, but he only picked it up recently!

Encore was of course the climax! He got everyone high & standing up with 不可能错过你 & tried to create an anti-climax by asking everyone to sing the chorus softly initially, so as to create 层次感, & he & the dancers layed on the floor for a while, before gradually asking everyone to increase their volume, & everyone just went high!

He ended by introducing the live musicians (a handful of them Singaporeans) including Goh Kheng Long, who appears in almost every concert! He's damn cool too!

His last song was唯一 ,Of course it was a 大合唱 & everyone just waved the neonlights & the cute red clappers given out, beautiful!

When it finally ended, many people were reluctant to leave & still stood around, hoping that he would appear for a 2nd encore. But sadly, it just ended there. I was so tired but yet euphoric.. had no voice after that, n my hand ached like shit haha

I'm glad for the existence of such a wonderful musician. His passion for music, his talents, his diligence & determination in always wanting to bring better music to everyone, his humility, his great voice, his fantastic music, his sincerity in bringing CHinese music to greater heights, & of course his -帅ness!

Wow how I wish I had so much to write for my term essay. Damn.. It was so #@* to get that #@* essay out, but yet my hands just typed so fast while posting this. Sigh..& if u've read up till here, thanks! Sorry for all those gushings - he's really a talented musician!

Photos taken by my da jie! Thanks! although blur n far, but still some memories..

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