Tuesday, December 25, 2007


A must-buy for all Jeong Hoon fans - his first complete Japanese album! Includes his rendition of the famous Korean song "Parrot" from Goong.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

sodagreen's nice new songs

Just gotten sodagreen's album from HMV for 29.95! But it's worth it, cos it's so good.... and also, it was very cool that all 10 tracks seemed to be linked together, as there are no breaks between them. The transition / links were made very smooth by the ending and beginning instruments such as guitar linking 四季狂想 (track 3) & 左边(track 4) and the piano linking 左边 and 无与伦比的美丽 (track 5). They must have taken great pains to do such linking up of songs! This 3rd album has a lot more strings, and sounds much more grander than their previous albums.

苏打绿 - 左边

蘇打綠 這天MV

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Prince charming!

Ahhh... this weekend was the best in 2007! Finally got to see my prince up close and personal. He's so good-looking, and kept smiling! so cute... heeheehee...the crowd was quite calm, maybe cos everyone too stunned by his charm. heeh...

photos and videos taken by me and my sister at Jeong Hoon's fan meeting at KTO!

BubbleShare: Share photos - Cheap Hotels Vegas

other videos by other fans.

arrival in Singapore

guest appearance at Star Awards

leaving Singapore

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

random stuff

Quite a nice new song from David Tao. Quite like the guitar arrangements.


Hmm... when can I be Free? haha... left 1 more paper, which is CMI one... don't know what is going on... hope i can get S and not U man..

Recently quite addicted to Facebook. Now I know y it's so popular. Cos it's quite fun heee...lots of applications and variety.

And pics of my lazy dogs..