Have been wanting to "research" on this dog breed after watching Hana Kimi, now I finally can get down to doing it!
So this dog is a Maremaner, or Maremma Sheepdog ! "The Maremma Sheepdog is a massive, noble distinctive-looking dog with a bear-like head. "
Indeed! My first impression of it! It truly resembles a white bear, and it must be so nice to cuddle and hug! The Maremma originates from Italy its name comes from the grazing plains in southern Tuscany. It is the best known of the Italian sheepdogs, but rare in places outside Italy. It is a flock-guarding dog. MAREMMA SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN OFFICIAL WEBSITE More info
Woo... so fast, mid-sem break is here, again! I thought school just started?? Hmmm... It always passes very fast.. 1st year wasn't so fast lei.. sigh..
As usual, as I channel-surf & switch to my fav MTV Channel, saw BoA's MV, Brand New Beat. I have never taken notice of her, I know she's super popular, and she's younger than me, and she's a Korean singing Japanese songs, that's all .. After watching that MV, I finally know why. She's not only a pretty , cute little lass, but can dance super well and has a strong voice. Her dance moves are slick and cool, her smile's to die for, her youthfulness and energy.. ha ha.. so here's the MV I saw.. anyone, care to recommend more songs from her?
BoA〃Brand new beat
And as I search youtube for "BoA", I don't know why this video came up. I thought it was sung by BoA, but no, by a Korean singer, MAy. Hmmm still prefer FIR's version much much more ha!
Yay new MV finally haha... Wow Mayday's back with a new album! And this album seems well-conceptualised? haha.. about 爱`生`死 etc haha... oh etc in Bahasa Indonesia is dll haha... "dan lain lain" so cute..
Bahasa Indonesia's really quite fun and interesting. Actually I think learning languages is really fun. It's really amazing how people can communicate in so many different different types of languages..
But I hope I won't get mixed up! I have always felt that Indonesian/ Malay's a little similar to Japanese haha... the other time said "Saya WA..." ooopss.. "saya" is in Bahasa Indonesia, while WA is for Japanese! haha..
Oh today, I don't know why 心血来潮 decided to bring my dog out for a walk, after so long. I am a truly lazy master - very pai seh, never bring them out for walks one.. Then notti View View barked at a chickem. barked at a baby... sigh...As I could only bring 1 dog, Brownie was so sad when I leashed View and not him..and as we left the house, he barked non-stop sigh...
So fast week 4 has ended, homework's all coming in..But can't wait for CNY hehe..